How mang mg per week of testosterone does it take to raise the haematocrit?


New member

I've read on here and elsewhere that many people need to give blood when cycling testosterone.

Yet low dose testosterone does not raise the haematocrit and cyclists like Lance Armstrong still feel the need to take EPO whilst using testosterone.

Does anyone have any data on the kind of increase in haematocrit you can expect with say 500mg per week of testosterone enathate and how much is the minimum amount of testosterone enathate you would need to take per week to see an increase in haematocrit?

I looked at the sticky's there is some great information on the muscle building effects but the increase in haematocrit is not as clear.
This is largely individualistic. I'm only on a trt dose of test cyp and need to donate blood every 3-4 months. My numbers aren't horrible but not where I want them to be. A good friend runs long cycles with a total test above 3000 and his heamatocrit is always in range.

Also depends on the compounds you run. Deca is known to cause an increase in red blood cells.

Bottom line is get a blood test. Don't gamble with your health.
Yep, agree with ^^^^

HCT elevation is down to the individual... I'm fine on my TRT dose of Test (but I donate still all the same)

When I blast, I make sure to donate before and after....
Everyone is different. If Im on trt I can keep mine below 48. Last test cycle I ran was 850 test cyp ew. I had to drop 3 liters to get to 45. No way would donateing even come close to work for me on high dose. It's something to watch.
I've blasted 750mg of test along with 500mg deca for 12 weeks without any increase in hemacrit or rbc. But 20mg of halo for 2 weeks and both were elevated over normal range. Highly individual bro.
individual like mentioned. i can be on cycle or hrt and be fine. but my diet is fish and meat free and i feel the lower iron intake can be a factor or just genetics, havent had to donate blood.