How Many Believe....?


New member
how many people believe that site injections yield localized growth. I've heard different opinions on this and would like some feedback from those who have tried them repeatedly in certain areas and what they have have to say about it
I've never done it... some swear by it some say it is physically impossible. I'm one for science... so I'd go with physically impossible. Eventhough some pros swear by it...
honestly i don't know, but i didn't work legs for a while because of quad shots, so i didn't do them till 4 weeks into my cycle, but they still seemed to grow a little bit... could just be in imagination... im gonna do delts soon, so we'll see if i get some broader
It can add some size temporarily to small muscles(bi's,tri's).My last cycle I injected everything into my bi's(5 shots per week)and I added quite a bit of peek to them.It takes continuous shots in the same place to see a difference.The effects are only temporary though.
thats what i was thinking. Some say the growth is only temporary due to the oil stretching the muscle fascia. Others say the growth is permanent.
jawbreaker1 said:
thats what i was thinking. Some say the growth is only temporary due to the oil stretching the muscle fascia. Others say the growth is permanent.

I dont see how the growth could be permanent. The chemicals are dispersed all throughout the body, but the oil does stay behind where originally injected and chances are that is what causes the increased swelling.

The same thing happens when you inject into your quads or glutes, however the size of those muscles compared to those in the arms/shoulders makes noticing the change difficult if not impossible.
LOL, everybody thinks Gregg Valentino used Synthol but the truth is he injected 1.5 grams of test into each arm... last I heard his arms exploded.
Makaveli_786 said:
LOL, everybody thinks Gregg Valentino used Synthol but the truth is he injected 1.5 grams of test into each arm... last I heard his arms exploded.

no one will ever know the REAL truth behind that. But he got an abcess that got a nasty infection in his left arm. Thats what led to the surgery.
jawbreaker1 said:
no one will ever know the REAL truth behind that. But he got an abcess that got a nasty infection in his left arm. Thats what led to the surgery.
Did he ever get that arm pumped up to the same size as his other arm yet,or does he still have two different size arms?
I used to shoot zambons in my shoulders as they were a weaker body part of mine. I dont know if it was just coincidence, but when I used Winstrol (winny) in the shoulders, my shoulders never looked so thicker and fuller. I believe that site injections work to an extent, but you will see better results when using a no ester roid such as winny

Champ said:
I used to shoot zambons in my shoulders as they were a weaker body part of mine. I dont know if it was just coincidence, but when I used Winstrol (winny) in the shoulders, my shoulders never looked so thicker and fuller. I believe that site injections work to an extent, but you will see better results when using a no ester roid such as winny

this is the only theory that even makes sense to me, but it is still a stretch.
Duchaine claimed that localized winstrol would at least evaculate water, as for growth I dont know what his position was on that.
theres been pro bodybuilders admitting to getting thier horseshoe triceps thanks to winstrol spot injections
Think about it guys. What about those that only inject in the glutes, they’re asses would be one of the most muscular body part.