How many % body fat does it look like I have?


New member
I was told I had between 13-15% bf several months ago. I am just curious how I am looking now.

5' 5"
127 lbs
Does it really look that low? I was hoping to have a six pack once I get that low of a bf % when I am not flexing.
I had my BMI measured with an Omron and it gave me an 8% reading. I will try a 7 site caliper measurement sometime next week to see how it differs.
How much leaner do you want to be?

Good guess!

I have started my bulking phase and so my weight is gradually climbing now.

Originally, when I heard that people need to cut before bulking, I thought this applied to all builders. I didn't realize that at my stage, I didn't need to cut anymore.
If you can see vains in your lower abs then I will assume you are under 10%


Does it really look that low? I was hoping to have a six pack once I get that low of a bf % when I am not flexing.

I dont think its a matter of bodyfat at this point. Theyre pretty much there, you might just need to work them harder to make them pop.
LOOKING WELL BRO. Pics always make us look more lean and cut up than we are in real life. And it doesnt look like you're veiny below your belly button and in the belt area. When you are veiny there then you're in single digits. Right now looks like 10.