how many calories to cut?

I've been working with -500 calories from my BMR and had fat loss, probably around 2 lbs a week.
I would like to speed this up if possible by increases caloric deficiency, but I haven't EVER cut fat before so I'm not sure the risk to my lean body mass.
I am on a cyclical ketogenic diet
I am 212lbs probably 14-15%bf
My AS cutting cycle is
low dose test twice a week
tren A 75eod
winstrol 50 eod
clenbuterol 120mg ED
t3 50mg ed
yohimbe hcl 10ml ed
armidex 25mg ed
ketofin 2mg ed
Taurine 2000 mg ed

By body is handling the diet and the AS very well. I am also doing 30-40 min of cardio 5 days a week in addition to a shortened weight lifting routine.

I've just ordered some helios, and will try some spot reduction with that and lowering the oral clen/yohimbe to balance.

My goal is below 10%bf, which I've probably never been to before in my life.
2lbs a week is a very safe place to be, like you mentioned, not risking lbm loss. Don't make big jumps in calorie intake as you might crash, try doing a 600 or 700 calorie deficit and see how you react while keeping the same focus and intensity in and out of the gym. Good luck and keep up what your doing!
lower your carb intake more and increase protein. stay at -500 no more then that not at first especially, just decrease carb intake esp on off days and increase protein and stick with -500 cal diet.
yes you both are asking a right. you do't take the high jump from the 600 lbm. it is the most fast way to burn the fat and calories.
just eat the less fat foods items.
doing the exercise activities at the regular basis.

Memphis Boot Camp
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in my opinion too many substances. especially with t3 and clen too. Do you really need to be pushing so hard? Cant you stage these drugs at various intervals, instead of have them all at once?

If you're really 212lbs and 14-15%bf, you're looking okay, just work at it gently and the bf%'s will come off.

You must be feeling like shit.
calories provide us perfect energy so we will be slim and smart and
get a broad impact in any stage as slim and smart.