How many carbs for prohormones


New member
Hey guys. Im looking to lower to lose some fat and add some nice lean defined muscle mass. I am about to start an Hdrol cycle and an curious about carb intake. Some say 100-200 and some say 300+ ED. Heres my current diet:
2 servings oatmeal with a can of tuna for breakfast
Apples and bananas for brunch
Avacado, celery and 2 cans of tuna for lunch
Bag of peas for snack
1 lb of skinless chicken breast for dinner
3 bites of omega 3 peanut butter b4 bed.

Im 191 lbs
Bf 16% (roughly)
And have lost 13 lb since ive started this eating style about 3 weeks ago.

Please help if you have any additional info on any of the items i have listed. Thanks guys
This can be a tough one. I'm not seeing very many carbs at all here. maybe 100 at most?

I just mentioned this in a previous post. I get irratable and lethargic with not enough carbs. My training also loses out. PH's definately make better use of the macros you put into your body. So, with that said, it may not be a big deal for you. It all depends on how your body responds.

If it was me, i'd throw in some complex carbs at lunch and dinner. Maybe like some brown rice or whole grain pasta. It doesn't have to huge amounts, but something to keep your body fed.

Btw, can i get your age and Hdrol dosing? Do you have a PCT set up and everything? I'm sure you do, just making sure.
Wow you lost 13 lbs in 3 weeks chances are it was mostly water from cutting carbs...But not too many people are holding 13lbs of glycogen etc..which tells me you are totally catabolic and losing muscle bro. To lose fat you need to be in a slow caloric deficit...Steadily losing 1-2lbs a week for 3-6 months is how to run a body-re composition.

Furthermore you are not going to both burn fat and build lean muscle simultaneously...The Mr. Olympia level pros can't do it and they are on $30,000+ a year worth of gear and pristine professionally planned diets..Neither can you.

You need to make a serious decision to put in a solid year or two to bulk up (1lb a week gain) or cut to the desired body fat level. You can not do both at the same time and you will just be spinning your wheels.

That being said...You can maintain what muscle you have while losing fat...By slowly losing fat at a rate of about 1lb per week while continuing to lift heavy and cutting carbs slightly. It takes trial and error by each individual no one on here can tell you how many carbs you need..You need to start by eating like 100g a day for a week and weigh yourself every morning on an empty stomach and see what happens...Then add or subtract accordingly..

Hope this helped.
Gaining or losing weight is relatively easy. (at least for a lot of us) However, bulking without fat gain, (or minimal fat) takes a focused effort. Same rule applies for losing weight and retaining muscle mass. In my opinion, this is one of the tougher parts of bodybuilding.

What helped me out was finding out my maintenance calories. There's a couple of ways to do this. Use an online maintenance calculator and figure out about where you need to be. Or, like Temper said, count out your macros each day for a week and weight yourself. If your gaining, you're at a surplus. If you losing, you're at a defecit.

A rule of thumb for cutting would be to eat 500 calories under maintenance. Make sure the protein stays high, carbs relatively low. The tough part is when you start adding anabolics to the mix. Maintenance calories go up and your body starts to respond differently.

Really, this will take a lot of research and trial and error like Temper said. Good luck!
Thanks alot guys.

It's not letting me PM you. So regarding your PM:

I'd recommend getting everything in your life -- regarding bodybuilding -- as close to 100% perfect as you can, and maintain that state for at least a year. By this I mean diet, lifting, and sleeping these things all sound really simple but to get them dialed in where everything is the exact same every day is definitely not easy. If you jump on anything without these 3 things perfectly dialed in it will be a waste. Along with perfecting your form on the 3 main mass building movements the squat , bench , and deadlift. These 3 lifts DRASTICALLY increase natural test production...

My rule of thumb is if you can't bench 225 for 10 strict reps, squat 225 for 10 deep slow reps, and deadlift 315 for 10 strict reps you have no business jumping on anything...Because I firmly believe anyone can do these things naturally, and you will not see anyone who can do these lifts that is small.

You are 26 and it may not seem like it on a daily mindset but you have to look far into the future because it is a marathon not a sprint. All the Mr. O guys are in their 30's or older, and this is because no matter what you take building actual TISSUE not "gains" I'm talking about actual permanent tissue growth is slow.

If you want my honest advice it would be to bulk. I know you are caught up in the "6 pack" mindset and that's fine but 191 @ 16% bodyfat is not fat, or big. Love handles don't mean shit, you aren't fat. A common thing guys do is worry about the # on the scale and not how much actual muscle mass they have...@ 150lbs you'd be lean...That is not big. This leads me to believe you just need to get into a serious power-building training regimen and EAT. You put in a solid year of powerlifting while eating 2500-3500 cals a day you will do more naturally than you think is possible. I know guys 280-300lbs that are natural powerlifters..Do they have abs not really but they weighed 170 in high school and just got huge over 5-10 years..All they'd have to do is a cut and be like 220-230 with abs..So..

My advice whether you take shit or not...You are not big so a cut is definitely not advised..You need to embrace the "lift big eat big lifestyle" lol you need to bulk until you are 250. don't worry about the bodyfat or anything until you see 250 on the scale it will take at least a year lol..Then you worry about doing a cut..You will not get instant gratification advice from me.
Your cutting too hard. Also protein is too low, IMHO.

As stated, fatloss is and endurance race, not 1/4 mile. Ease up, make sure ur not burning muscle for fuel and really focus on what your eating each meal. Add up macro"s and make adjustments each wk.

Your on the right track but need to keep other things in mind
Add egg whites to breakfast. Eat the chicken for lunch and have a red meat for dinner. The other things ur eating can be used for small snacks.
For the most people, losing more than 2 lbs a week will result in muscle loss. An exception would be someone who is very obese.
Right on. Ill add some things to my diet. Im at 190g ED as is my body weight. I see to add egg whites. What if i add a dozen hard boiled eggs ED? It will add 1,100 cals, 96 grams protein and 60 grams of fat. I could even lose the avacodo. Like i said, lean muscle is my goal. Not just any type of bulk
Breakfast: 2 servings oatmeal and can of tuna
Brunch: apples, bananas and 6 hard boiled eggs
Lunch: two cans tuna and whole avacado
Snack: bad of snap peas and 6 hard bioled eggs
Dinner: 1 lb of chicken, a veggie and 2 red potatoes
Bedtime snack: 3 spoonfulls of omega 3 peanut butter

Hows this for an updated diet? Ive added the carbs that were recommended and some extra protein