How many of you did a first cycle with no bad sides?


New member
Curious. I just got all the equipment for my first cycle and I am wondering how many people did one without any negative side effects like gyno, lost testosterone production permanently, etc. Just trying to mentally prepare myself for the first pin, so success stories would be great!
I had no major sides on cycle, but I think I did cause secondary hypogonadism, but that's not really indicative of anything you may experience.

After nearly a decade of messing around, I'd suggest most not use, but I would never tell anyone what to do.

Did you ever find some pins? Do you have a good PCT planned? Have you started a cycle thread, aka "bash me and my cycle thread", because that will happen a lot.

Be prepared for anything!
Hey man thanks for replying. I just ordered my syringes and needles, waiting for them to come. I'll go home and start my bash my first cycle thread, but for the most part I am sticking to the basics. I've been thinking about it for 4 years now, so certainly no rushed judgement on this.

I'm just a little nervous for the change:-).
Hey man thanks for replying. I just ordered my syringes and needles, waiting for them to come. I'll go home and start my bash my first cycle thread, but for the most part I am sticking to the basics. I've been thinking about it for 4 years now, so certainly no rushed judgement on this.

I'm just a little nervous for the change:-).
Good on you hope it all goes well.
So didn't see any other threads by you but that is just me. I see you have many posts but I don't know your stats.

However just going on your Q's. I started back in 1980 and that was when we had NO internet and didn't have much knowledge on the correct way to use AAS. Ha no AI no Blood work. Just flying blind......

SO I never had much of any sides except some Gyno after many years. I was in my 30's so I was well old enough. But listen at this day and age if you follow the correct protocol you will be able to use AAS very safely with little to no sides.

AS far as Gyno , well you should educate yourself and use an AI to control the estrogen.

I gotta laugh :laugh: at you saying mentally preparing yourself for your first pin. LOl really not laughing at YOU but the whole idea. Listen guy your first injection is going to be anti-climatic , hee , hee :insane:

Nothing is gonna happen immediately it will be a few 4-5 weeks before you notice anything in regard to BB. You WILL however enjoy the sides or the effects of the sexual aid in libido and erections. That's always fun.

All in all after the 5th week you will see much progression in strength , endurance and recovery. A reason I haven't stopped using in almost 40 years. Ha lol ... I have had many a time off but seem to love lifting while on steroids.
Good Luck and stick with us and keep us updated.

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Hey man thanks for the reply. I posted a lot more about 4 years ago, but was waiting until I was more financially stable before jumping on the juice.

I'll post my plan, but it is pretty typical to what most have done here. It's good to know that most end up just fine if they follow the protocol. Thanks again for the wisdom :-)
Hey man thanks for the reply. I posted a lot more about 4 years ago, but was waiting until I was more financially stable before jumping on the juice.

I'll post my plan, but it is pretty typical to what most have done here. It's good to know that most end up just fine if they follow the protocol. Thanks again for the wisdom :-)

Please remember that when you post your planned cycle , always update and give your stats and goal for the cycle. It always helps us critique and stick with your log if you do one. Don't know your age , but really there aren't many that have bad sides or don't recover if you follow good protocol and know what you are doing.

Good Luck :wavey:
looking to start myself, have no idea what sites to trust ..ima 49yr old marine and recently retired..any advice ,,really in the dark about this and dont wanna hurt myself..ive always been fit just want to try something new