How many times can you bench 225?


That Dude
Just curious how many times some of you big guys can press 225. I havent been on a flat barbbell bench in awhile, usually i stick with incline BB and DB flat. Today I was at my brothers place and he recently dusted off the weights and started to work out. I decided to throw 225 on and give it a go. Did it 18 times and felt like I coulda got about two more, but I didnt have a spot at the time. I was surprised, I was only expecting about 13 or so.

Currently sitting at 5'10 186-187.
ill let you know monday.. never tried it but im thinking around 25.. i max 405lbs.. ill give 225 a shot on monday.. should be interesting..
oh about 10 reps 225, but Im more of BB DB,I can bench 380 about 3-4 rep with a spotter,.

380 for 3-4 reps and 225 only 10 times? That doesnt add up bro.

ahhh 315lbs x 15 reps (no spotter).... its more about form though bro; bench is an ego exercise!

strong bench bro! I agree with you about it being an ego exercise. Like I said, I stick with incline and various other chest exercies. Havent been on a flat barbbell bench in awhile.