How much Arimidex?


New member
I just started a cycle which looks something like this:

wk 1-20 test e 750mg/wk
wk 1-19 deca 400mg/wk
wk 1-6 dbol 40mg/day
~wk 12-17 tren e 400mg/wk

Since the test and dbol are fairly high i want to run some arimidex just to keep estro in check. Do you think .5mg ed or .5mg eod would be enough?

first time using deca. im fucking pumped :) i hope to grow like a freak on this one.

what do u think of the deca dosage? after i drop the dbol im planning to up test to 1g/wk. should i do 500 deca?
i was kinda thinking 5 weeks of tren e wouldnt do much either but one of my buddies said its enough time to see good gains from it. im mixing forum knowledge with real world knowledge from big fuckers at the gym. I've spent plenty of time on the forums and know how it all works. I have a bottle of tren e and i think 2 bottles of tren ace, so that could be like 7 weeks worth of tren right?

i have a pct lined up and everything from rui on hand.

800mg of deca seems pretty high...i could do 600. but i wouldnt want to run it higher especially with tren and deca.