How much difference does a glass fibre pre filter makes?


New member
I have realised I have not used a pre filter - but have ordered some..

How much difference does it make to the flow rate? I know it increases it but by how much?
if its a .45 and your doing a large volume say over 8L then its worth the money. As long as you have a pump system.

then when you .22 filter it it will go smoother.

I think mostly pre-filter is designed to take out larger stuff from unfiltered raw carrier oils such as GSO.
Well, I've never had the flow rate (the drip rate) change by using prefilters. I use pre filter filters but the prefilters never have changed the flow. The flow has always stayed the same.
The prefilters are vital for keeping your main filter cleaner and keeping the main filter from slowing down in flow longer!!!
The main filter is what creates reverse pressure or vacuum so the flow doesn't change. But a main filter will get clogged faster and the flow rate will decrease rapidly without a prefilter.
IMO, prefilters are a neccesity for large batches at 500ml or more.