How much do you barbell shrug? (Front bar shrugs)

to what extend though rjx? some people say that they can shrug lots but they can only move the bar to the point that their shoulders are not all the way up...

I can shrug 315 for 8 reps, but not completely squeezing the traps to my head....
For the proper way, I can do about 225 lbs for 8 reps holding at the top for a second or so and slowly lower...
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Oh, I am talking about where your shoulders are all the way up squeezing your traps to your head.
Hah, if I'm working in the 10 rep range I'll use 185 or so.

I'm a pansy.
225 x 8 for 4 sets

But I consider that weak, as I JUST started to single my traps out. I used to just rely on deads, etc to build them.
remember ur traps extendall the way down the middle of your inner back..not necessary to always squeeze ur shoulders up to the top..225 4 sets of 12 315 4 sets of 8-10 (when not squeezing all the way)
235x 10-12. 3 sets front. Then 225 behind the back for 3 sets of 10. Seems whenever I do much more than that or do a weight I can only get less than 8 I always tweak something in my back and it hurts like hell.
It's been so long since I did shrugs, I don't even know how much I could do. I've gotten much better trap growth since I (re)started doing deads than I ever did shrugging heavy weight. I *think* last time I did shrugs I did 315x12, 3 sets, squeezing all the way up. But, I have to use straps to do that much weight b/c my grip is so weak.
Last time i did shrugs i used 5 plates a side on the smith machine x 8 reps (ALL THE WAY UP) But your right you'll get a lot better trap development doing deadlifts any day.