How much does Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) cost?


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How much does HCG cost?

My insurance covers my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), but my doc won't prescribe HCG. I'm 37 and dating a younger girl who wants kids. I would like to add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to keep the boys vital. Would it be way too much to pay for out of pocket?
The type that I take is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 5,000 USP Compound and cost around $50.00 per bottle.

The Bacteriostatic Water (30ml vial) to reconsisitute the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is $3-$5.

So it should cost you about $50 -$55 total per bottle and that will last about 1-2 months I think.

Does Chip sell HCG? Do you use Dr. Chrysler's protocol? I talked my doc into prescribing me 125mg of cyp per week. I just switched from two tubes of testim per day due to rotator cuff surgery. I'm going to break the dosage in halves and inject twice per week. Additionally, I have heard it's good to add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to the mix to avoid shrinkage. My doc would not prescribe it, so it looks like I'll be paying out of pocket if I can find some.
Does Chip sell HCG? Do you use Dr. Chrysler's protocol? I talked my doc into prescribing me 125mg of cyp per week. I just switched from two tubes of testim per day due to rotator cuff surgery. I'm going to break the dosage in halves and inject twice per week. Additionally, I have heard it's good to add Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to the mix to avoid shrinkage. My doc would not prescribe it, so it looks like I'll be paying out of pocket if I can find some.

Chip has hcg.. just got some.. "yo chip my nuts are shrinkin" 2 days later Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was at my door..
Man I'm sorry to be such a newbie. I just emailed Chip. I don't even know how to administer HCG. Is it an injectable like Cyp? If I wanted to get a six month supply, how much should I get? Ughh. The more I learn, the more there is to know.
I personally inject Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 2 times per week.

You will get a bottle of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and it will look empty with a little bit of powder in the bottom.
You will also get a bottle of water.

You will take your needle and withdraw the correct amount of water and inject it into the bottle of HCG. Swril it around to mix the powder and water together and also keep it refrigerated.

I personally inject Test 1 time per week (on Sundays) so I inject the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on Friday and Saturday. (I was told not to inject the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) the same day I inject the Test.)

I am a newbie too so Im learning as well.
Chip has hcg.. just got some.. "yo chip my nuts are shrinkin" 2 days later Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was at my door..

If you got Chip to send you some HCP for the shrinkin nuts...... you should ask Chip to send you the "good stuff" to enlarge your dong.

I told Chip....."yo dong needs to be a little longer" 2 days later I was hanging 10 inches. Pretty nice service!! :beertoast

How much Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is normal to inject per week. How much should I get if I want a six month supply? Ball park much would a six month supply run from Chip?
thats a good question. Chip has a price sheet he can send you, Im not sure if its cool or not to quote his prices on this forum or not. I think 4 bottles will last you about 6 months, but you should ask Chip.

I think its 1/2 cc per injection, twice a week.
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My PCP is a great guy but isn't totally up to date on TRT.

I'm a lot younger at 37 than his typical testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) patient. I wonder if I should seek a second opinion, since my insurance would cover Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) if I could get a script.
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thats a good question. Chip has a price sheet he can send you, Im not sure if its cool or not to quote his prices on this forum or not. I think 4 bottles will last you about 6 months, but you should ask Chip.

I thinks about 5000iu per injection, but my syringe has units measured by 1iu, 2iu, 3iu and so on. I go to 5iu and inject into my shoulder.

never answer someones question with "I thinks" especially when your wrong
I'm also interested in following this thread, I too am a newbie and have been lurking around this site and others trying to educate myself on my condition.

I've also been diagnosed with low T and have been injecting for the last eight months or so and have the same problem as others...shrinking nuts. I have an appointment with my Endo next week and am plan
on bringing it up with her, we'll see how it goes.

I'm also concerned about excess E as well, I had gyno surgery a year ago and am extremely concerned.
I went and looked and its 1/2 a cc per day, 2 times a week. :afro:

Thas sounds about right 500iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 50 units on your insulin syringe twice per week. Frisco My old testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc had me doing the same thing but there are some people that believe in much higher doses for a few days every 8 weeks so if you dont think thats working for you you might want do some more research and experiment a bit.
Thas sounds about right 500iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 50 units on your insulin syringe twice per week. Frisco My old testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) doc had me doing the same thing but there are some people that believe in much higher doses for a few days every 8 weeks so if you dont think thats working for you you might want do some more research and experiment a bit.

Thats exactly what Im doing....500iu's of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 50 units on your insulin syringe twice per week.

Everything is good so far with this dosage, but I appreciate the input! Thanks.
I called Chip about adding HCG. He hasn't called me back just yet. I also figure I should add Arimidex too. I was thinking of purchasing some from 4rx online pharmacy. I've bought stuff from them before, and it always worked well. If that's a huge mistake, please point that out. Maybe suggest another source. I'm a total newbie. It was the first website that popped up when I googled it.

Here is what I'm thinking of doing. Feel free to crucify me. Since I'm about to have rotator cuff surgery on Monday, I really don't have time to go back to the doctor, so I'm on my own for a little while.

50 mg of Cyp every three days (or 125mg per week roughly)
250iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice per week
.25mg of Arimidex (1/4 of a 1mg pill) every other day

Does that sound about right?
Why do you think you need HCG? You can have kids even on HRT. The main thing you need to do is get your sperm count checked. If your FSH levels are low, you can take Clomid to raise those levels. Most likely you will be fine. I got my wife pregnant after being on HRT for a year and having LOW FSH levels. Sperm count was still double than normal.

Of course, i am pretty badass! :D

I really don't know what to do. I just switched from two tubes of Testim per day. I really liked it except for the stickiness. The smell didn't even bother me. I didn't use anything to complement the Testim besides the usual vitamins and supplements. I had never heard of HCG, Arimidex, Clomid, etc... until I learned I needed rotator cuff surgery and would not be able to apply the Testim to my shoulders.

It appears that most people on injectable test around here are following Dr. Crysler's protocol, which calls for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Arimidex. To be honest, my head is swirling. I don't know what I need at this point. I just don't want my testicles to shrink up or to develop bitch tits.

Any light anyone can shed is appreciated!
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I really don't know what to do. I just switched from two tubes of Testim per day. I really liked it except for the stickiness. The smell didn't even bother me. I didn't use anything to complement the Testim besides the usual vitamins and supplements. I had never heard of HCG, Arimidex, Clomid, etc... until I learned I needed rotator cuff surgery and would not be able to apply the Testim to my shoulders.

It appears that most people on injectable test around here are following Dr. Crysler's protocol, which calls for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and Arimidex. To be honest, my head is swirling. I don't know what I need at this point. I just don't want my testicles to shrink up or to develop bitch tits.

Any light anyone can shed is appreciated!

Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) use during any exogenous AAS protocol. I just wanted you to know that using HCG, which mimics your LH response, isn't necessary to get your girl pregnant. It all relates to FSH levels, sperm count/motility, etc. LH is just a small portion of how the repro system works in regards to pregnancy.
I personally think your plan looks good. There will be some people that say you should up the amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from 250iu to maybe 500iu or more twice a week. I take 500iu twice a week and there has been posters on here saying I might want to consider taking more. The reason Im not taking more is I have not noticed any why change whats working.

Chip has a TON of knowledge about this stuff and once he calls you back and yall discuss your situation you will feel way more comfortable with the plan you have in place.