How much gear is considered "too much"?


New member
How do you guys measure how much is "too much?"
Do you meausre it by the way the amount of gear makes you feel? Once you start feeling "like shit" or "run down" or too many sides, is that where you conclude "this is too much"?
Do you compare doses to let's say... Pros. If a pro intakes about 4 grams of gear total,
Do you say "this cycle I'm planning is about 3.5 grams total, pros intake about 4 grams, this is too much, I'm not competing, I have no reason to run it this high

I can tolerate Tren very well and I always run my bulks as such:
Test 300 week
Tren 750 week
EQ 600

But Sometimes I want to experiment with 1G Test and keep Tren and EQ the same... Close to 2.5g a week. Maybe add some Masteron one day. Which will make it about 2.5-3G a week of gear.

How do you guys measure/balance how much you can take?
Experience, or comparison?
As long as its working and bp is fine you feel ok go for it. I seriously doubt anyone of us come anywhere near a pro cycle. If i start having bp issues i lower dose or remove a compound i dont use too much because i cant afford too lol
As long as its working and bp is fine you feel ok go for it. I seriously doubt anyone of us come anywhere near a pro cycle. If i start having bp issues i lower dose or remove a compound i dont use too much because i cant afford too lol

Does high BP and excessive sweating have to do with one another? On 750mg Test E I sweat like a pig. Nothing else. That's why I want to mix E and P... 500 E 500 P. Or is excessive sweating mostly because of bloat/water weight?
As long as its working and bp is fine you feel ok go for it. I seriously doubt anyone of us come anywhere near a pro cycle. If i start having bp issues i lower dose or remove a compound i dont use too much because i cant afford too lol

All the TREN he can handle. LMAO
Does high BP and excessive sweating have to do with one another? On 750mg Test E I sweat like a pig. Nothing else. That's why I want to mix E and P... 500 E 500 P. Or is excessive sweating mostly because of bloat/water weight?

Could be weight gain water weight thats what i think i sweat like crazy cuz of tren i never use alot of test. But weigjt gain water retention can cause high bp From my experience.
Is there even a reason to add that much gear? Like if 1.5grams works for you will 3.5grAms really pose that mu h better or results? Like would u then instead of adding 800cal surplus with 40% pro need to be increased??? I just dont understand why using enough gear to last a whole cycle in two weeks b worth it
Is there even a reason to add that much gear? Like if 1.5grams works for you will 3.5grAms really pose that mu h better or results? Like would u then instead of adding 800cal surplus with 40% pro need to be increased??? I just dont understand why using enough gear to last a whole cycle in two weeks b worth it

Dont know about other stuff but tren there is a huge difference from 100mg eod to 100mg ed and you can go higher if you can handle it and it is very very obvious the difference you just grow nasty big and look different ed. Once you try higher doses of tren you understand its the only way to understand.

And test i hate i only use as a base i honestly dont tgink my body utilizes high test. I dont have alot experience with other compounds but i can guarantee the higher the tren the nastier you look. I dont think i need 200mgs honestly but if it was free id use it.
Dont know about other stuff but tren there is a huge difference from 100mg eod to 100mg ed and you can go higher if you can handle it and it is very very obvious the difference you just grow nasty big and look different ed. Once you try higher doses of tren you understand its the only way to understand.

And test i hate i only use as a base i honestly dont tgink my body utilizes high test. I dont have alot experience with other compounds but i can guarantee the higher the tren the nastier you look. I dont think i need 200mgs honestly but if it was free id use it.

Teat I've always used as base at 250-300weekly and Tren double that. to raise test or to raise Tren this time hmmmm... If I can tolerate 750 I wonder how much more I can handle. Of course, my ass will be on Prami from day 1.

Also, do calories need to increased if Gear is increased? Do they correlate somehow? Because im sure a 3500-4000 calorie bulk won't be as good as a 5000-6000 calorie bulk on 800+ Tren
Dont know about other stuff but tren there is a huge difference from 100mg eod to 100mg ed and you can go higher if you can handle it and it is very very obvious the difference you just grow nasty big and look different ed. Once you try higher doses of tren you understand its the only way to understand.

And test i hate i only use as a base i honestly dont tgink my body utilizes high test. I dont have alot experience with other compounds but i can guarantee the higher the tren the nastier you look. I dont think i need 200mgs honestly but if it was free id use it.

Try adding proviron -- maybe it will better help your body utilize the test better
Try adding proviron -- maybe it will better help your body utilize the test better

I use masteron i just get estro issues with high test and imo high test is too add thickness and put on more size. Im already 270 dont need any extra water weight or have to worry about running ai and worrying about e2 levels
Is there even a reason to add that much gear? Like if 1.5grams works for you will 3.5grAms really pose that mu h better or results? Like would u then instead of adding 800cal surplus with 40% pro need to be increased??? I just dont understand why using enough gear to last a whole cycle in two weeks b worth it

To get nastier and bigger and freakish.
I use masteron i just get estro issues with high test and imo high test is too add thickness and put on more size. Im already 270 dont need any extra water weight or have to worry about running ai and worrying about e2 levels

270? Jeezus dear lawd. How tall are you?
As for sweating -- I'm sitting here right now at 7300 ft above sea level in the winter next to an open window cause I'm hot and sweaty .. No tren on this current cycle .. My body just gets like this when everything starts kicking in.. Part of how I know it's kicking in ..

Why is this happening .. My body is anabolic as fuk, and just sitting here it's building muscle and using calories. That's why we do this shit, it works, plain and simple :)
As for sweating -- I'm sitting here right now at 7300 ft above sea level in the winter next to an open window cause I'm hot and sweaty .. No tren on this current cycle .. My body just gets like this when everything starts kicking in.. Part of how I know it's kicking in ..

Why is this happening .. My body is anabolic as fuk, and just sitting here it's building muscle and using calories. That's why we do this shit, it works, plain and simple :)

Nothing better than this shit bro
As far as how much gear is too much. - we are all different ,, but the standard is it all about

the Law Of Diminishing Returns -- Over time you will have those laws for various compounds for your goals and body type dialed in
How much is too much?

1. Blood pressure will not come down. Even with bp meds, proper dosing of an AI, and diuretics. This WILL happen if you exceed your limits.

2. Kidney and liver distress. Nitrogen retention is great for building lean mass, but too much is hard on the body's filtration systems. This is why water intake is so important, as it helps keep things running smoothly. Unfortunately, there is a point where it's just too much, (liver toxic drugs especially) and protein (albumin) starts to "leak" from the kidneys.

3. Sheer volume of oil. I'm quite the pincushion, but after 5cc per site - things become difficult to handle. There are plenty of injection sites to choose from, but not all can handle huge volumes, and they still need to be rotated. If you find that ED pins are required, and you're unable to give a site two weeks off, it's time to rethink things.

4. There's simply a point where you won't see a difference in hypertrophic response. I feel that this is a HUGE difference between the gym rat and potential pro. I notice literally zero difference between 1.5g of test/wk and 2.5g/wk other than the need to increase my AI and blood pressure (sides do get worse, even if benefits do not). Recovery didn't improve, strength remained linear, and body composition remained constant. I basically wasted a gram of test to see if anything changed.

Note: This is something that can change over time, as the body requires more to progress/maintain. This is not tolerance or receptor down regulation, but a simple matter of supply/demand.

5. As 49ER stated, cost. If you can progress with 500mg/wk of test, enjoy the "cheap" cycles while they last. I do have friends that spend thousands of dollars on cycles, which is too much for me - but only because I can't afford the HGH component yet.

6. Related to #1, side effects. Hormones DO change the way we think and act. While "roid-rage" is largely horseshit, I've yet to meet someone that can ALWAYS remain calm on HUGE cycles. (especially when 750mg/wk or more of tren is involved)

I'm cool as a cucumber 99% of the time, but I have done stupid shit like tear light fixtures off the wall because I couldn't get the bulb to seat right and screw in after 5 minutes of attempts. Dreams, sweats, stomach problems (certain orals at high doses do this to me), emotional instability, heart burn, acne, decreased lung capacity, increased resting heart rate, MPB, shakes, vomiting, and many other things can pop up - letting us know the need to slow our roll.

I do think that this limit is something very unique to each of us, and is why it's preached so often to take baby steps when it comes to doses. It's also why blood testing is so important. It kills me when guys "think" everything is fine, but it's certainly not - finding out when it's too late.

My .02c :)