how much GHRP 6 and CJC 1295 will i need?


New member
Hi all,

Peptides are the new AAS! Well, not really, but I think I might do a cycle of GHRP 6 and CJC 1295 once my cycle of AAS is over.

I initially thought that I would just do the GHRP 6, but after posting a few threads and doing some reading it seems that if you stack it with CJC 1295 it makes it MUCH more effective. If something's worth doing then it's worth doing right I guess...

So I am trying to work out how much I will need. As I understand it, I need 100mcg of each dosed twice a day. My maths is as follows:

100mcg of each 2x a day = 200mcg of each daily (obviously), so I'll need 1400mcg a week. If I run it for 6 months (and it appears that that's pretty much the minimum you should run it for), then I'll need somewere in the region of 33600mcg (roughly, I've worked it out as 4 weeks in a month, I know that's not exact...).

So, 33600mcg = 33.5mg (roughly) of each for 6 months of use. Because my 4 weeks in a month estimate is a little off, I would probably buy 35mg or so. Better to have more than I need than not enough.

That sound about right? Is my dosing scheme ok?

I realise this post was a bit rambling, but I will appreciate any help.

Lets say 6months and the average month will have 30days.

you need 6mgs of each for a 30 day month.

6months= 36mgs of each.

I would just buy 40mgs of each.
Yeah that's the problem - peptide companies mess up the nomenclature on these peptides all the time. True CJC 1295 includes a drug affinity complex which results in prolonged plasma half lives which you don't want (unless you're a woman) - you want GH stimulation from the pituitary to be pulsatile. Often times Mod GRF (1,29) will be listed as CJC 1295 without DAC, which is an inaccurate description.

I always like to compare the amino acid sequence to make sure I'm getting what I want.
No it is. They call Mod GRF cjc 1295 and then they also sell cjc 1295 with you want the cjc 1295 Mod's the one that is on sale right now :D
So how long do i have to run CJ 1295 MOD +GHRP6 to see results gonna do 100mg of each 3X ED for 8 wks. What can i expect. Just want to preserve muscle and cut fat. Will this work? Do i need something to come off these 2 peps after th 8 wks??
Thanks in advance
So how long do i have to run CJ 1295 MOD +GHRP6 to see results gonna do 100mg of each 3X ED for 8 wks. What can i expect. Just want to preserve muscle and cut fat. Will this work? Do i need something to come off these 2 peps after th 8 wks??
Thanks in advance

I would recommend running the peptides for at least 6 months. At 100mcg 3x ed.. you will definately be able to preserve muscle while cutting fat.. and honestly you will probably be able to add mass. You don't need anything to come off... there's no PCT needed for peptides.
where can i find some good info on peptides, wanting to look into something to help me maintain and finish cutting bd fat after i finish my tren/prop cycle. reading through all these threads about different peptides get real confusing to me