How much growth is needed for a cycle?


New member
I was given 2 kits of Jintrop ( Gen Sci ) , each kit comes with 5 bottles of powder ( 10 IU per bottle ) , 5 amps of water, and 5 insulin pins. I am an experienced steroid user but don't know to much about the growth. How do I mix it , how long does each kit last ? How long should I take it and how often ? Is 2 kits enough ? I think I'm looking to take a relitivly conservative dose at first. I'm 5'11 -- 235 pounds , I don't know my body fat but I'm not as solid as I'd like at the moment. My main goal is to lose bodyfat and get solid and vascular. Is this a good brand of growth, and what should I take with it as far as AS. Any help would be apprechiated.. :confused:
You need more, go 4-6 months at 2iu ed, take it before bed, get some bac water so it can last 14 days once it's mixed. It needs to be refrigerated at all times, before and after reconstitution. When you put the water into the powder vial, make sure you squirt the water on the inside if the vial and not directly on the powder. Then swirl do not shake it, until clear. You need 140 or 260 more iu to go 4 or 6 months.
