How much potency does HCG actually lose after 30 days?


New member
Hey guys,

Second cycle here. Running Prop at ~600mg ew, HCG @ ~250IU e3d. I'm just days from completing my 7th week, been running the same HCG vial since day 1 and no testicular atrophy whatsoever (I only blasted pre-PCT first cycle, so I know what a shrunken ball bag is like). Going for 10 weeks in total on this one, and running the HCG during the week of down time between final pin and PCT.

Question: Will this vial remain potent enough to get me through these next 4 weeks? On a side note, I keep it in the fridge except for when drawing of course, except I left it out overnight on accident last night ~8 hrs. Am I g2g here?
I went ahead and used up the entire thing and filled a bunch of pins with it. I then froze most of it and kept a few in the fridge. Once I get to my last injection, I am going to take another 2 weeks worth out of the freezer and into the fridge. This should help with the potency issue.
hCG can be used for 90 days after reconstituting. After 90 days, it loses approximately 10% potency per month. You would merely compensate for the percentage lost. The expiration dates are merely the length of time the potency was tested. This is also used/marketed so that you purchase more of the compound.
hCG can be used for 90 days after reconstituting. After 90 days, it loses approximately 10% potency per month. You would merely compensate for the percentage lost. The expiration dates are merely the length of time the potency was tested. This is also used/marketed so that you purchase more of the compound.

So reconstituted and refrigerated I should dose at 500 iu split in to two shots weekly up to the 10 weeks it would take me to use up that vial and not worry about trying to compensate for potency?