How much protein?

biggest ragu

roid curious
How many grams of protein can your body take at one sitting? I ask because I generally have a protein shake after my workout, and there are a million different kinds out there, some with 30g per serving, some with 60g, etc. Is it true that the body only digests so much, and the body gets rid of the rest?
50-70 grams of whey post workout is sufficient.
There are many types of protein some break down quicker than others.Whey being the fastest to be metabolized and I believe Casein to be the slowest.
Thank you. That was the impression I was under, but last night I stopped at GNC to pick up some whey powder, and the person behind the counter gave me a 10 min lecture on how I was wasting my money, that the body can only absorb 20 to 30 grams of protein at a time. I didn't ask him for this info, he took it upon himself to drop all his protein knowledge on me. He also berated me on how there was no way I could get 300 grams of protein in a day without drinking several protein shakes, and that I need to be eating 8 or more meals a day. I left there pissed off, I often wonder, if this dude is so smart, why is he fat?
Maybe his body being over weight can only break down 30g but for someone building mass and weight training needs at least 1-2g per pound of bw.
And a majority of that protein should come from hole foods.Not shakes.
And remember AAS increases protein synthesis and weight training increases metabolism so we have a bit higher needs in daily intakes.
Maybe his body being over weight can only break down 30g but for someone building mass and weight training needs at least 1-2g per pound of bw.
And a majority of that protein should come from hole foods.Not shakes.
And remember AAS increases protein synthesis and weight training increases metabolism so we have a bit higher needs in daily intakes.

Hole foods? like donuts then?
DPR said when your piss foams in the toilet that means your not using all your protein. Solution was suma root @ 2grams per day i believe
you can easily eat 300g of protein a day, with shakes sometimes I'm up to 400g. Try useing to help track ur diet, you'd be surprissed how it adds up
i eat 60-80g protien per sitting guys... that "ur body can only take in so much protien" myth is NONSENSE...

find ur macros.. and stick to them... feed ur body what it needs.. tell the guy at GNC to go find a cliff...
you can easily eat 300g of protein a day, with shakes sometimes I'm up to 400g. Try useing to help track ur diet, you'd be surprissed how it adds up

I was more curious about how much protein per meal, how much your body can use. Homeboy at the store said you HAVE to eat at least 8 meals a day, at like 20g per meal.

I track my diet, and even if dude was right, I'm happy with my progress. Sometimes I get 50g of protein a meal, sometimes more. I'm going to start ordering my protein online, I'm tired of walking into that store and being told everything I do is wrong, even when I never asked his opinion.
8 meals a day at 20g is 160g.. no where close to enough protien... fucking guys at gnc... what a mess
I eat 90-100g post workout.
I remember a fucker at GNC when I was 20
telling me "40grams post work". He couldn't
of been more wrong.

i eat 60-80g protien per sitting guys... that "ur body can only take in so much protien" myth is NONSENSE...

find ur macros.. and stick to them... feed ur body what it needs.. tell the guy at GNC to go find a cliff...
I think that a high protein intake is not evil. Protein intake ranging from 1.4 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight to one gram per pound or more can be beneficial. Protein has been typecast as something that will make you big and strong, but muscle growth is not controlled by the level of protein one takes; rather it is the growth demand caused by intense training or stress that will ultimately determine how much protein one should take in.