How much test should I get?

I"m 5'5" also with a small frame , I went from 135 lbs wet to 165 lbs in a few years naturally , gear took me to 190 lbs @ 7% bodyfat . Your 27 so you if you think your ready go for it......
Holy!Shit!From 165 to 190 7% bodyfat.I heard that shit was strong but damn! lol
Nah,I'm at 15% I should go to
At least you're a good sport about it. I'd like to point out that you mentioned in your OP that you were doing your research first, and that's good. There's a TON of info and a lot of stuff you need to know about gear, it looks like you know the basics, but need some more knowledge. My suggestion is if you are going to run a cycle regardless, spend the next year lifting heavy and cleanly bulking up all the while reading everything you can about AAS. If you are still going strong after a year and finding your lifts and gains are stalling, then run a test only cycle with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and post cycle therapy (pct), and see how that works, by then you should have the knowledge.

Oh...a note.....running a cycle doesn't mean you can be have to work TWICE as hard, so that's another reason I say bust your ass for the next year, see if you are still motivated. Because then you are going to really be busting your ass for the next 12 weeks. Oh, and then busting your ass during and after post cycle therapy (pct) to try to keep your gains sticking.

Holy!Shit!From 165 to 190 7% bodyfat.I heard that shit was strong but damn! lol
5'5" 190 @7% is competition sized.
^^^^^^^^^Exactly , double the training tempo , double the food/protein intake and get as much rest as you can on gear . First thing is to get a blood test to see where your testosterone/estrogen is , as well as other vitals like your lipid panel and hemocrit/RBC . Go thru LabCorp and get the Menapause2012 test , its for women but guys use it all the time because it has what bodybuilders are interested in , and its only $59.95 . I just ordered another one yesterday . Then you can precede to gear .....~Bo
Most test-e is 250mg/ml and most test-c is 200mg/ml , why I dont know , but thats the way it comes from legit pharma's like Paddock and Watson and thats also the way it comes from most UGL
's like PEA , so figure that into the math and 20ml test-c is only going to take you 10 weeks at 400mg/wk . Go for 3 vials and do 500mg/wk. for 12 wks and you can run another 3 weeks if you feel the need ....

Medistar bro

Test c comes 250mg/1ml