How much Tren E ??


New member
How much Tren E per week would equal 75mg of Tren Ace EOD? And can the Tren E be ran all the way through a 12 weeker?
I did my first run of Tren E ( with Test ) last spring . I was going to go for 8 weeks but it went so well I decided on 10 weeks ... that went so well I just took it to 12 weeks right with the Test. I used 300 week and had no sides , not even the shut down you hear about. I guess I was / am lucky with it ???? I just loved the results.

I am going to do it again this spring but reducing the dose to 250/week and taking it to 16 weeks just because I hated stopping it in mid summer. This is the only cycle of anything I do all year and will lkeep an eye on the BP so I don't think it's nuts , esp with the low dose .
I think about 320 mg every week of Tren E would equal 75mg EOD of Tren A taking into account esters and such.

I was using 83/100 for the Acetate and 68/100 for the Enanthate

So (75mg * 3.5 shots a week * 83) / 68 gives about 320.

You can run it all the way through 12 weeks. Some people prefer to run test a bit longer than tren to let it clear before starting pct. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) might be a good option too.
i want pics guys want to see if this is the shit to use all the time ok....
@ 400mg EW alone, I am going to experiment with this as a bulker/recomp drug. Specifically I am curious how high I can take the calories sans gaining fat and whether it is even remotely possible to give a recomp effect at high calories.

I'll have pics, but given that it would be me you are looking at, I wouldn't expect anything out of this world.

More interesting however will be the bloodwork I get from Tren alone. I'll get that done after about 10-11 weeks on the stuff.