How much weight do you immediately put on?


I am banned!
When you start a cycle of test /e/c, How much weight do you initially put on? Not including how much weight you gained overall. It seems like people vary alot when it comes to this, I was curious to know how much you guys personally gain...
Well it takes around 4 weeks for the test e or c to start taking effect like that but I would say 7-8 weeks deep 10 ritght off the bad all depends on if your using an ai as well it will keep the water retention down.
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To give a straight-shot answer, there are way too many factors to consider here, OP. Also, everyone is different, and so are their body's. Your statement saying that everyone varies, is bang-on my friend.
waaaaay to many variables and some of those are listed above to include quality of gear boys.

I mean how long did you last the first time you banged you a damn near or perfect 10 ? Age, status/number of notches of 8 , 9 and even 7 s on your belt, did you do a pre emptive discharge or was it a spontaneous stroke of good fortune, were you buzzed and was she ?

The potential variance for pounds gained or strokes/min accumulated are to many to calculate with any reasonable amount of certainty .

( On test d bol..starting at 188 a hard 188 I got to a smooth but cock strong 203..or 15 pounds...and kept 7-8 )
10-20 pounds

Added B-12 injectionable added another 10 pounds.

Food was going through me pretty fast too.
waaaaay to many variables and some of those are listed above to include quality of gear boys.

I mean how long did you last the first time you banged you a damn near or perfect 10 ? Age, status/number of notches of 8 , 9 and even 7 s on your belt, did you do a pre emptive discharge or was it a spontaneous stroke of good fortune, were you buzzed and was she ?

The potential variance for pounds gained or strokes/min accumulated are to many to calculate with any reasonable amount of certainty .

( On test d bol..starting at 188 a hard 188 I got to a smooth but cock strong 203..or 15 pounds...and kept 7-8 )

Hahahahahaha, flyiu crack me up brother, love it.
sorry op could not resist the analogy but we are different and almost w o fail the first real cycle is the best...

1 st tie in a long time I been a good mood