How often to eat?


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I need some advice on how often I should be eating. As of right now the foods I am eating are good but I am not eating enough. I plan on starting a much bigger daily meal plan soon with lots of tuna, chicken, lean ground beef, pasta the whole 9 yards in order to put more weight on but my concern is how often should I eat my meals. I did a weight gaining diet once and was eating a lot of food every 2 hours and after the first few days I was gaining a little weight but i quickly dropped back to normal because I was speeding up my metablolism by eating so often. ( I already have a fast metabolism). So what do you guys suggest? Is every 3 hours going to do the same as every 2 hours? speed up my metabolism..or should I up it to every 3.5 or 4 hours? Thanks bros
Go every 3-4 hrs. as long as at the end of the day you have you proper macro breakdown you will be fine. when you have those cravings eat something like nuts or something to satisfy them. biggest thing is have it availiable when your hungry so you don't start eating muscle for energy. thats catabolism and you don't want that.
I eat every 2.5 hours when trying to lose and bigger meals every 4-5 when trying to gain.
I eat every 2.5 hours when trying to lose and bigger meals every 4-5 when trying to gain.

I'm almost the exact same... I really go with what my body tells me all year round (bulking, cutting, maintaining)... I truly believe most people over analyze the whole "meal timing" thing
Thanks guys I appreciate the responses. I will space my meals out to around every 4 hours but make sure that I eat huge every meal. I figured it would be around the answers you guys gave me I just wanted to ask to make sure. Thanks again guys