How should I take Androgel or Testim?


New member
I'm 39 with a testosterone in the 300s and looking to get some help with weightlifting since I've lost muscle and strength lately.

My test is low enough and I'm old enough where my doctor is willing to try it out. I really don't want to take injectibles and first try gel or creams.

How do I take Androgel or Testim and which is better? I heard creams are better than gels so we can get Androgel/Testim in cream form?

Don't I take it for 4 days and then stop for 3days or 5 days on and 2 days off?

I'm just under 6'4" and 230 lbs. so I was thinking 10 grams Androgel would be best.

Thanks for all your help and Happy Holidays!!

My doc didn't even suggest the creams-gels
when I went on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Straight to injections.
Instant relief. JM
My doc didn't even suggest the creams-gels
when I went on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Straight to injections.
Instant relief. JM

So you take the injection once a week and you have to do it yourself?? Do you inject in the muscle?

Will your OWN natural testosterone production come back to normal once you gradually wean off the injections?
Go to my docs office weekly for the shot.
Yes, it is a imtramuscular inject.
No, your natural T-levels will not come back
if you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It is for life. Hope that
clears some things up for you. JM
Go to my docs office weekly for the shot.
Yes, it is a imtramuscular inject.
No, your natural T-levels will not come back
if you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). It is for life. Hope that
clears some things up for you. JM

What?? But there are PLENTY of guys who took steroids when they were younger who don't anymore. Even Schwarzenneger took them.

I saw a program on Discovery where doctors and experts in the field were interviewed and they said it takes a while for your testes to come back online after you stop taking steroids but they do come back.
For someone with "normal" test levels,
appropriate post cycle therapy, and ample time off your natural levels will return.
Since you have low test, your options are
replace what is not there (which will shut
down natural production) or do nothing
and live with your current levels. JM
I went the route of gels for a few years, and it was a pain in the ass.

Two pumps in the morning, and two pumps at night. I know... you are asking... "why is that a pain"

Well, you do the pumps to your forearms, rub your forearms together to get it to soak in, and you should be good to go. However, an hour later people will say... "Hey, you have some white stuff on your arm". lol... guess it didnt all soak in.

Or, it can be pretty friggen warm in the summer months. Put on a few pumps, and then yuo start to sweat. Yuck, it just seems to get messy.

Within the last year I switched over to injections. Had to get used to the weekly pins, but that is MUCH easier, and less messy.
Love to lift..... I don't want to bust your bubble, rather, i'd love to help you out. Testim, androgel, creams,...... They are all garbage. Junk. Fraud. Do not work. Doc's write the scripts for these for one simple reason.... They truly have zero knowledge of what hrt/trt therapy is and they are afraid to put their license on the line by actually doing reasearch and truly helping you. They would rather give you this bullshit, false hope to hang onto, as their androgel rep takes them out golfing and for a juice steak dinner. These are the cold, hard facts. If you truly would like life changing help, call me.
I will back up Chip on this one. Gels are complete garbage. Plus dangerous to the ones around you. I know from personal experience. If you have kids that are younger, like ones you would be playing with or pick up you don't want that shit on your skin. Or if you ever find yourself with your arm around your girls neck she does like mine and wants to use your arm as a pillow at night it can get fucked up. Insist you get the injections from your doc, if you can afford it...
proper way to apply........... stick in in the garbage.
wasted 2 years with that junk, levels continued to decline on it. 2x per day I had to apply crap on myself let dry get dressed etc.
plus you need to keep if off your lady.
get the shots, plain and simple. I trashed several boxes of androgel and felt good about it. waste of my $ and the Insurance companies $
Well I guess I am a rarity, I have been using the 10% cream and it's good to go. Maby not to the same degree as the injections, but for my purposes it works....