How To Achieve Tight Nipples


New member
Can anyone inform me on how most bodybuilders have small hard tight nipples?

I know AI's/SERMS may help with this but mine are just puffy looking all the time, I hate it.

I want to get cosmetic surgery on them to have the glands removed but I'm not sure if this would make them tight all the time, Im scared it would leave an indention or something.

I feel like there is a secret drug that makes their nipples look so good all the time lol.

No homo in this thread but im just wondering has anyone had surgey and did it help like you had hoped?
well building muscle and specially in the chest area streaches them and tightens them IMO. a bigger thing of concern is the glands and/or fat (specifically pre-purbertal nipple fat and gland development)
Thanks. I actually did get some slight gyno from puberty and I am very prone to getting gyno symptoms.

I took my first tablet of Anadrol last week and about 4 hours later my left nipple (which is the very sensitive one) was hurting. I took my aromasin that night once I got home from the gym and I have been dosing @ 20mg EOD. It hasnt hurt aince and it looks normal now.

It just sucks to have puffy nipples because I cant wear thin T-shirts I'm too self conscious about it it looks funny. Doesnt matter whether im on cycle or not.
Thanks. I actually did get some slight gyno from puberty and I am very prone to getting gyno symptoms.

I took my first tablet of Anadrol last week and about 4 hours later my left nipple (which is the very sensitive one) was hurting. I took my aromasin that night once I got home from the gym and I have been dosing @ 20mg EOD. It hasnt hurt aince and it looks normal now.

It just sucks to have puffy nipples because I cant wear thin T-shirts I'm too self conscious about it it looks funny. Doesnt matter whether im on cycle or not.

I'm the same way about the self consciousness. Want to go under the knife as well. I've been very mindful of what I wear out since the 6th grade as to not show a little puffiness through my shirt(s).

Until we are both dogshit ripped though... it's hard to really say what they will look like. You can still get them removed any way of course and never have to really worry about it anymore.

5k is quite a bit of dough though.. :(
Are yours puffy just on cycle or all the time?

You MAY have some fat in that area or even some tissue built up. If there is tissue it may not even be from AAS use. Many males have this to begin with. Could be from puberty or just the way you were made.

But take into consideratiom that being on cycle alone can make nipples puffy due to excess water being held. Carbs/Sodium can have an impact on this as well as water consumption.

I notice mine get puffier when Im 'on' compared to when im not (TRT dose). I have no gyno either. They also are sometime more puffy or less puffy throughout the day. Not noticeable to anyone but me though lol.

Nolvadex can help I found. But, if you have a lot of tissue there surgery is the only way to get rid of it completely.

Im with tbone on the ED dose of stane. Swicth that up and see what happens then go from there.