So yeh this weird thing happened to my nipples


New member
So yeh...there's no easy way to describe this so lets just go for it...

Earlier today I notice one of my nipples are being very sore and just the actual nipple tip is pretty puffed up, remenicianse of a zit actually.
So tried to feel if it was any lumps and pushed a bit from two sides and some puss came out and I was like ok, some ingrown hair or whatever fine...

Here comes the weird part...
I tried pushing on it again cuz it's obviously swollen up bit from my pressing, nothing more but clear liquid came out and it was the tiniest amount...
But for some reason i decided to feel out how my other nipple is constructed, feels, if there's any lumps etc and just randomly decided to squeeze on it abit.
And in like 6 small spots, 3 each, it came out clear liquid and some white liquid, very reminiscences of water/milk, almost in an organized pattern.... Tried squeezing 2-3 times but wouldn't come out more, doesn't hurt, isn't swollen, has no lumps, doesn't look weird etc.
Its just the other nipple that im 99% is a zit that i've just pushed to much on and now made it swell up and it feels like a lump but it actually isnt (it wasn't as big before, its just in my head)

But what about the other nipple, what the fuck is that shit? It wasn't like it was lactating, it was just fluid coming out.... So weird...
Anyone experienced similar before?
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Are you on any form of nandrolone? Prolactin is the only issue I can think of.

Yes it is definitely weird if you***8217;re not on deca or tren, I can***8217;t wait to hear other opinions on this one.
Dont think its prolactin.
I was running tren but ended cycle months ago and i was also running caber along with it just to be on the safe side.

I barley feel it today but its still a tiny tiny lump... Gonna give it a few days and see what happens. Tried squeezing the other nipple today and nothing. So was probably just some weirdo one time thing.
I have no idea lol... It freaked me the fuck out though :(
At least I have still have caber.
I need to get my values checked but finally allowed to go donate next week so gonna do that and test myself after.
But hopefully just some freaky random occournecens's lol.
At least I have still have caber.
I need to get my values checked but finally allowed to go donate next week so gonna do that and test myself after.
But hopefully just some freaky random occournecens's lol.

Wow, man I have NEVER heard of this. My statement ^^ is not for you to worry. I hope you find out why. Ha we all would like to know, at least to learn.

I wanna ask though, was the first and worst side the LEFT nipple?


Oh, did you taste it ? :insane:
Run some Bloodwork and see what's going on.

Estrogen and Prolactin for starters.................................... JP
It was just a freak occurrence scare.
Both nipples are normal, no lumps, the the left one is bruised and feels like a scab(?) like from when you cut yourself, but i did press a lot and hard and bruised it so no wonder there.
And for that reason is a bit sure but im sure it was just an ingrown hair and the other nipple deciding to be freaky.

But i'll intended on getting my labs drawn anyhow but pretty sure im fine lol :D
Not so sure it was just a freak occurrence.
I still have the tiniest lump, i cant even feel it if I dont pinch or hold arm up in a specific position and not sore but decided i'll play it safe and visit the doc and tell em i'm afraid its cancer since i've had a tumour removed before.

I somehow very much doubt it would be start of or even gyno signs. But it does freak me the fuck out on a mental level thats quite annoying.
Just fyi.....if a man uses a breast pump, then usually a little bit of clear to slightly milky liquid will come out. That's just normal biological response for many males....means nothing. I am concerned that it sounds like it was easy for you to get this stuff out :( Did you have to squeeze really hard or did it come right out?

Worthy side notes.....nipple discharge in men from only one nipple can be a cause for concern. Much less concerning to get discharge from small amounts.

You're off cycle now right? Low testosterone can cause this quite frequently. Get bloodwork to check your recovery? You taking a maintenance dose of any kind?

I know you know your shit bro. I am confident you'll work this out quickly.
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Not so sure it was just a freak occurrence.
I still have the tiniest lump, i cant even feel it if I dont pinch or hold arm up in a specific position and not sore but decided i'll play it safe and visit the doc and tell em i'm afraid its cancer since i've had a tumour removed before.

I somehow very much doubt it would be start of or even gyno signs. But it does freak me the fuck out on a mental level thats quite annoying.

does your doc know your on gear?
I know you know your shit bro. I am confident you'll work this out quickly.

I know nothing about gyno but thanks :P
I had to squeeze quite a lot and hard, to the point the nipple actually got bruised and formed scab(?) like you get if you cut yourself.
Off cycle and probably low testo but the thing is, I haven't felt bad at all.

Anyhow, i visited a doctor today, explained what happen etc.
And first question is, do you shave your nipples or chest. And I do, at least around the nipples cuz i'm fairly hairless and if I dont, my nipples look like catface hair, the super long ones.
Then he felt and pushed it a bit and was just "staph infection". I asked if he could "cut it" up or push it and he was "worst idea ever" lol...

He's confident it was an ingrown hair, I popped the surface and introduced staph and got an infection.. When I kept bruising and pushing, i just made it worse.
So I got some prescription antibiotic cream to apply and he thought the lump would be gone within 7 to 10 days. He wasn't worried at all and poor guy spent 20 minutes just reading up on my history and scared them all with tumour talk of past.

And sadly, I have no earwax plug or whatever its called, he was like, i've never seen such a clean ear, its nothing there.(Used cleaners used for pre cleaning ear at hospital, without actually having earwax, so thats probably why) Even checked twice when i said i lose hearing... I've broken my nose a couple times and my recent partying is most likely the cause. Apparently I had some broken blood vessels thats swollen up a bit, inside the left ear.
Didn't tell him about the partying but its easy 1+1 math and I do have surgery planned on my nose for similar issues so i'll just bring it up during the pre op meeting.
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does your doc know your on gear?

I'm never sick, haven't visited a hospital closing in on a decade.
And usually, its far faster to just go there and take a time rather then trying to book the same person again. You do have the option, think its called house/family doctor or some shit.
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Will be doing full blood work next week, just wanna give my values another week to stabilize after donating blood, that and get my xmas bonus such a poor fucker right now lol...
The scare is over, the cream is working its magic.
I can barley feel anything at all and its only the 3rd day and been bit lazy applying it too.

So no gyno, just weirdness. Can breath again :D
I just want to throw in my 2c here that ive learned from my brief experience with the gear as a newb.

I inject into my pecs as one of my preferred sites. I aim for the pec meaty centre as ive seen suggested on the net, usually 2 inches above and 2 inches towards the sternum from my nipples.

However, post injection pain as you all probably know can seep from the site and be felt a little bit away from the injection site. Hence I have gotten nipple pain but I am pretty sure that this is actually PIP from the juice that has migrated from the injection site and it disappears after a couple of days and I have taken a couple of nolvas just to be sure.

Obviously bloods are the key here but I just thought id throw in my own bit of broscience.
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I only do glutes, quads and ventroglutes.
Never done pecs.

I fairly in tune with my body and blood work is likely to come back with 130ish estro (ref <150) which is normal for me.
My liver values will probably be subpar.
My testo will be low, probably around 3-400ng/dl.
My blood sugar and all blood values will be perfect (just donated blood and havent had sugar for 2 weeks now, except for a protein bar here or there)