How to get RX pharmacy drugs

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New member
I've read lots of people saying they got "real" RX pharmacy drugs. My question is, how are those obtained?

* Do you somehow have a perscription?
* Do you live in a country where it is legal without perscription?
* Did you take them from someone who has a perscription?
* Did you bribe a pharmacist?
* Did you get them from the underground?

Just want to know how this typically done. Thanks
You've called members here (I'm a former National Competitor), assholes for questioning your taking Femara by itself, then calling it "bunk." Ok...
Now you post something like this. You need to go far, AR away from here. Wise is the worst handle for you. I could think of others, but I'm civliized.
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They are obtained in may different ways, purchasing from pharmacies in countries where it is legal to do so without prescription, getting a perscription from a doctor, some pharmacists are crooked, etc etc
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