How to Hide a Steroid Cycle From My TRT Doctor.

I see my TRT doctor every three months. I would like to do a Cycle of DBol and use Deca therapeutically for joint problems. Is there any way to do this without raising alarms? Thanks for any help.
Control estradiol. I'd also make sure he's using LC MS MS to test your testosterone (sensitive assay), or the deca can potentially be misinterpreted as additional testosterone. As both deca and especially dbol aromatize, be very mindful of your AI dosing.
are there any super short cycles that i could run between labs (3 months)?
Honestly, meaningful cycles aren't going to fully materialize until your doc loosens the leash on tests. Mine backed off to every six months after around a year and a half, then once a year. Now it's pretty much if I bring it up (six years in), or there's a blood test result that may be correlated to testosterone/estradiol like cholesterol/CBC, etc.

I do think you're on the right track, but if you want shorter cycles, you'll need to stick to shorter esters and non-aromatizing orals like var/tbol (far less, but some)/superdrol/halo/etc.
I'm stuck with doing BW every 3 months right now. I decided that wasn't enough time to make it worth it but it's been over a year since I did a proper blast. I'm stocking up on short esters...
Good advice. Don t want to blow a good thing. Short esters are best for f ing around w yo Rx guy. He s got pot. liabilities to consider and with DEA s new software and Test being ever more in the limelight w lawyer s waitng in the wings to sue as it may...may...may...cause what ever the latest TV commercial say s...he s got a mortgage too.
3 months on my blood work. OH, and I can use Deca for my joint problems at therapeutic dose levels with no problems in my labs right?
depends on how often you go in. Short esters are the key. Watch E2 also. One problem I'm having is my epo is very low from years of trt and cycles. If I don't run enough test between visits I get anemic. I'm telling you, if its not one thing its another.
3 months on my blood work. OH, and I can use Deca for my joint problems at therapeutic dose levels with no problems in my labs right?

If you are having the ECLIA test done for total testosterone the deca will show up as test and give you a high reading. LC/MS/MS is the more accurate test that deca won't mess with. It will show up as a high free test reading either way though. If your doc is sharp, he will probably catch onto that.
I learned about the ECLIA test the hard way...had to find a new doc after that fuck up.

The above reasons are why I suggested NPP. It requires a lot more frequent pinning but you can clear it out in about a week (two to be safe).