How to Lab Test Supps?


New member
I have some Humapro and I only took it once but I felt like crap on it and even had some issues w/ my stomach.

I am not sure if its the supp but I was wondering if there is a way to get supps lab tested, to find out what the ingredients are?

I recently read about ALRI's shady business in the past and would really like to have this Humapro double checked by a lab.

All joking aside, if they have a rep for being shady and if you had some physical problems from it, i'd toss it and move on. But if you find something that isn't supposed to be there, you might get rich...
I have stopped taking it and I deff dont plan to risk it anymore.

I am gonna check that link out and maybe I can help some other people w/ sum vital info about this product.