How to pass a BLOOD test while on gear?


New member
I just responded to the piss test topic and it sparked a thought in my brain.

I remember when my father had a life insurance agent here at the house one time, they took a test tube of blood from him to run tests on it (see if he's a smoker, drug user, etc)

I have been without medical insurance (NOT a life insurance policy like mentioned above) for a year now and will be buying into a new policy shortly and wondered if there is anyone here familiar with this situation? Will they want to draw a vial of blood from me? I can't fake that.

The reason I am worried is because I am on a cycle right at the moment and for the first time, this cycle contains deca which is good for up to a year.
I doubt they check for AAS. The big one is to make sure you don't have something like HIV.
They aren't going to invest in Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) drug testing. Hell, they probably won't invest in _any_ blood test.

IMHO, running gear w/o insurance is, well, let me say "not the best thing to do."
I work for an insurance company. They will draw blood unless the policy is <50K or some carriers <100K. They are not looking for steroids but they do check you liver enzymes and cholesterol, which are adversely effected by steroids. They also check for HIV, tobacco and drugs. The higher the face value of the policy and the older you are the more through the tests