How to remove gyno if possible if not on Steroids


New member
That's my general question. 5 years ago i did power lifting tournaments and worked out daily. I'm just fat and strong now..i hope. been losing weight through about an hour and a half of cardio every day with a day to 2 days off. Ive heard of letro AND ARMIDEX and i cant afford surgery so if there's anything out there the will burn off this chunk of nipple please help.
If you want to do it the natural way, youre on the right track. But yes letro anastrozole or exemastane are used as part of post cycle therapy (pct) that should take out a majority of the gyno, if not all. But beware all three will lower estrogen levels which could have a negative effect on you and your body. i.e sore joints low libido and i believe one of he three might have an effect on cholesterol levels as well iirc.
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So Im not on anything but about to start a winstrol cycle, low dose, by itself, i already have gyno. Your saying that this will get rid of the current gyno? thanks a ton