How To Start Your First Cycle...

Thanks for the help! What do you think about rx vs research grade nolva/clomid? I've read the difference is night and day. I have half of liquid bottle of nolva (research) left over from a ph run that I could use..or just go ahead and get the rx grade.
Thanks for the help! What do you think about rx vs research grade nolva/clomid? I've read the difference is night and day. I have half of liquid bottle of nolva (research) left over from a ph run that I could use..or just go ahead and get the rx grade.

I've always done a lot of research before choosing a supplier - and then stick with them - so I can't tell you I've ever come across
anything that wasn't what it was suppose to be.

All of mine is Euro Pharmacy which have always been great.

I have used liquids from research which has worked very well - but I personally prefer a tablet version
just because it's a little easier to dose and doesn't have to be refrigerated.

But that's just a matter of preference - both are good as long as the source is good.

I hope that answers your question?
Some people might argue this... but for this cycle you could either split the tablet for 10mg ED - or simply run 20mg EOD.

12.5 - 25 ED is optimal - (however this is such a light cycle)... in some studies 12.5 EOD have been sufficient
to prevent the onset of estrogen.

With this cycle I think either way would be just fine...

As a side note you'll sometimes see me post that orals such as dbol should be taken on an empty stomach
but that only applies to "anabolic steroids"... these should be taken after a meal. :chomp:

Perfect, thanks for answering my question Repo....I was beginning to think I wasn't making sense w/the question. ;)
I've always done a lot of research before choosing a supplier - and then stick with them - so I can't tell you I've ever come across
anything that wasn't what it was suppose to be.

All of mine is Euro Pharmacy which have always been great.

I have used liquids from research which has worked very well - but I personally prefer a tablet version
just because it's a little easier to dose and doesn't have to be refrigerated.

But that's just a matter of preference - both are good as long as the source is good.

I hope that answers your question?

Thanks for the response. I guess a good source is a good source. The gist of what I was reading is that one should always opt for rx. :shrugs: Yes you've answered my question :) When you say Euro Pharmacy, is that a specific place? Or just a European source? I was googling but wasn't sure..heh.
Thanks for the response. I guess a good source is a good source. The gist of what I was reading is that one should always opt for rx. :shrugs: Yes you've answered my question :) When you say Euro Pharmacy, is that a specific place? Or just a European source? I was googling but wasn't sure..heh.

Euro Pharmacy is a product line by P.S.L - (Purity Source Labs) - they are a sponsor here at Ology and I would
give them my highest recommendations all day long.

They do offer Human Grade products which would be somewhat like the RX version you're talking about... just meaning you're
buying the name brand - so to speak.

You basically have UGL (under ground lab) and Human grade products... I've used both and as long as the supplier is reliable
UGL will work just as good... UGL is the common term you'll hear, which simply means it's not Human Grade.

I know gotten to know some of the guy at PSL and can tell you they put a lot of pride in their customer service,
quality products... and count on good word of mouth feedback.

Everything I'm running right now is EP (Euro Pharmacies.) :D
Thanks for the response. I guess a good source is a good source. The gist of what I was reading is that one should always opt for rx. :shrugs: Yes you've answered my question :) When you say Euro Pharmacy, is that a specific place? Or just a European source? I was googling but wasn't sure..heh.

Euro Pharmacy is a product line of P.S.L. - if you google Purity Source Labs - it will bring you to the PSL website
where you will see the Euro Pharmacy line... most members refer to them as EP rather than Euro Pharmacies.
Euro Pharmacy is a product line by P.S.L - (Purity Source Labs) - they are a sponsor here at Ology and I would
give them my highest recommendations all day long.

They do offer Human Grade products which would be somewhat like the RX version you're talking about... just meaning you're
buying the name brand - so to speak.

You basically have UGL (under ground lab) and Human grade products... I've used both and as long as the supplier is reliable
UGL will work just as good... UGL is the common term you'll hear, which simply means it's not Human Grade.

I know gotten to know some of the guy at PSL and can tell you they put a lot of pride in their customer service,
quality products... and count on good word of mouth feedback.

Everything I'm running right now is EP (Euro Pharmacies.) :D

Now I see. Thank you very much for the help you've provided!
For a first cycle I would only do nolva/clomid for pct. I think u should wait on the HCG, because he may not need. Most likely he'll come back without it.
I would still run hCG even though it's a 1st cycle... and every cycle after.

I've seen members who were about to start their 2nd cycle and wish they would
have ran it during the first cycle.
It's just good practice to take care of the BALLS from the start. :Pump:
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I would still run hCG even though it's a 1st cycle... and every cycle after.

I've seen members who were about to start their 2nd cycle and wish they would
have ran it during the first cycle.
It's just good practice to take care of the BALLS from the start. :Pump:

Will do....I've read enough that it would be hard to convince me at this point not to run it.
Besides, my balls need all the help they can get. ;)

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This is how it should be done
Will do....I've read enough that it would be hard to convince me at this point not to run it.
Besides, my balls need all the help they can get. ;)

LOL - that was a deal that I made with my wife when I told her I was going to run gear!

The first thing she said was... "your balls will get small!"

Shit, I think they might even be bigger from running hCG!!!

Keep us posted...
LOL - that was a deal that I made with my wife when I told her I was going to run gear!

The first thing she said was... "your balls will get small!"

Shit, I think they might even be bigger from running hCG!!!

Keep us posted...

Repo-things are great...I'm on week 7, & the only complaint about my balls, is that she's seen enough of them. :)
I need to do a 1st cycle post, there's some good stuff there for sure. Thanks for the advice friend.