How we grow with anabolics?


New member
Ive been using testosterone for the past year and a half, befor that i ate right had a naturally very low body fat % got down to 7% & 8% never touched anabolic stuff at all or any supplements besides some crappy protein bars every once in a while. I consistently worked out 5 days of work 2 days of rest switching the days every few months and work out every few weeks. I gained any where from 6-9 lbs of muscle a year consistantly for around 4 and a half years and crazy thing was this was all with body weight and sand bag workouts.
As into fitness as i am i havent came across this or read anything on it so hope i can get some answers from you guys.

If the human body with strength training and proper diet can gain 10 lbs or slightly more or less a year naty, of course if you introduced Anabolics much more then humanely possiable but... As your anabolic gains start to fade does your body still make natural gains that it does hold onto. Or does the use of the anabolics eat into your natural gains a little while its fighting to keep the cycle gains?
Have i lost you yet? Or is this question making any sence? Can your natural body change over the years for the better, more natural muscle mass while you cycle or is it all literally just.. A dream. Or your stuck at the size you started using gear at unless your working out naturally a few months between cycles.

When i started working out and taking fitness much more seriously i weighed in at 185lbs and im 6'4" so i was kind just tall soft and lanky at 27 yrs old. I got up to 215lbs befor i started using gear. Now im 32 yrs old 225-230lbs when im off of the gear my body fat is up to 16%.
Welcome to the board. It seem you've had some experience with natural gains and now some with AAS.

Your gains natty were good and I would say normal. Maybe you could have done a little better then 10 lbs in a year but you did good. A man can only build 15-20 lbs a year of LMM in a year even with AAS. Now remember I'm not talking about total weight with water n fat tissue.

Talking about loosing gains after cycling you need to understand that if you keep your training routine with the intensity of building mass AND you keep your diet in line , the only thing you will drop is the fat an water and some glycogen in your muscles. You should not lose the LMM you have gained.

Some people think that just because the loose some weight and a little size they have not held on to what they have Built / grown.
once you supersede your natural potential only anabolics will help you grow further
Very good news so i do still gain and as long as my diet supports the Lmm (i used to count macros and did block dieting) it worked out well. So the trick to staying lean after a cycle... If say for example i use Tren and lean out on the cycle, i get soooo hungry like i literally can eat for 3 people should i start fighting that urge while im comming off are there any tricks to the trade?