How would you incorporate Tren in a Blast & Cruise ? Opinions Please


New member
hey brothers in iron, i am looking into blasting & cruising and i need some opinions.

goal in 9 months: is to obtain 10-15 pounds of lean quality mass while dropping a few BF %

will be bulking first... so besides the classic Test/Deca/Dbol or Drol , and since i have done Tren a few times already with very minimal sides, how would you structs the next 9 months on Test E and Tren E ?

Do you run an oral, Test E, Tren E for 12 weeks then cruise on Test @ TRT dose then repeat?
would you add any other compounds ?
You wouldn't go for Tren to being with?
Also, what dosages of Test and Tren would you go for?

Quick stats, 35 yrs, 5'7, 190, about 13-14%BF, 5 cycles under my belt, lifting since high school.
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Good question and thanks for giving us your stats and prior cycle history. I will give my opinion, and I say "opinion" because I don't believe there is an exact right or wrong answer to these questions when experimenting with aas. Otherwise, we wouldn't have so many different suggestions from so many people in order to give you the best advice. My experience and belief with this stuff is that we all react different to compounds and protocols, taking into consideration so many other variables like diet, training, cardio, etc. Can you tell us what your plan is for those things because it's very important, and it will be easier to help you. And just so I am understanding your question/goals, you want to know the best way we think you should blast and cruise for 9 months in order to gain 15lbs of lean mass while dropping how much body fat?
Tha Rock nailed it.

Ur post indicates a heavy reliance on AAS to do the trick so to speak. I am not attacking your work ethic at all just been doing this almost as long as u been breathing and to pull off say dropping 2 or 3 percent body fat and acquiring 15 pounds of lean muscle-----well that s a tall order.

Do I think you can make signifigant changes in 9 month s? Hell yes.

However when I see"Lean Bulk", the term resonates like-
Jumbo Shrimp
Military intelligence

To pack on Almost 2 pds of MUSCLE a month for 9 months will recguire a strict adherence to diet, rest, no partying, perfect training and then gear. Water is not muscle though it looks good in a shirt.

I m not bashing but trying to stress AAS are 1 side of the square. Post a pic---that s always s SO much more telling and makes giving advice and opinion s far easier to put out there. 3J is the diet King in these here parts so unless ur a dietician I d employ or at least implore him for his services.

All that was said was with the best intentions.
Do you run an oral, Test E, Tren E for 12 weeks then cruise on Test @ TRT dose then repeat?
would you add any other compounds ?
You wouldn't go for Tren to being with?
Also, what dosages of Test and Tren would you go for?

No right or wrong answers there to be honest - it's horses for courses and purely personal preference.

Personally I stay clear of Tren E, I like the security blanket of being able to jump ship and feel normal quickly should any shit come into my life unexpectedly.

If you've ran Tren a few times before, then only you know how you tolerated it, and at what doses suited you best.

If I was in your boat, I'd either run a less harsh compound like Deca or Eq for longer....
Or alternatively run Tren Ace for shorter bursts and accompanied by a Test dose that suits you.

Like someone said above - there is no carbon copy to follow for AAS use.
It really is as simple as start extremely basic, and with every future cycle try and learn ONE new thing.

This method ensures safe cycling, progressive and educational cycle progress and serves a benchmark for reference when planning ahead.

Once again, no mention of diet at all.
Whatever compound you run will pretty much do jack shit for you unless your diet plan is spot on.

Do not use AAS to paper over the cracks.
AAS are great for making a good thing better. They will not make a substandard thing great!

Good luck,
No right or wrong answers there to be honest - it's horses for courses and purely personal preference.

Personally I stay clear of Tren E, I like the security blanket of being able to jump ship and feel normal quickly should any shit come into my life unexpectedly.

If you've ran Tren a few times before, then only you know how you tolerated it, and at what doses suited you best.

If I was in your boat, I'd either run a less harsh compound like Deca or Eq for longer....
Or alternatively run Tren Ace for shorter bursts and accompanied by a Test dose that suits you.

Like someone said above - there is no carbon copy to follow for AAS use.
It really is as simple as start extremely basic, and with every future cycle try and learn ONE new thing.

This method ensures safe cycling, progressive and educational cycle progress and serves a benchmark for reference when planning ahead.

Once again, no mention of diet at all.
Whatever compound you run will pretty much do jack shit for you unless your diet plan is spot on.

Do not use AAS to paper over the cracks.
AAS are great for making a good thing better. They will not make a substandard thing great!

Good luck,

Greatly appreciate the advice... trust me, not trying to use AAS to paper over the cracks. I lifted naturally for 9 years and read all i can get my hands on before running my 1st cycle... then ran 5 cycles (once a year) and recovered pretty well, have all blood work for it.

Reason i am considering B&C is first, keeping gains & strength while on low Test dosage between cycles (150mg Test). Second, avoiding the shitty feeling while on PCT. Third, the more i read about clomid, the more i realize how shitty of a drug it is on the long run (not that being shut down for a longer time while cursing isn't as bad, but it does have favorable advantages).

As for the infertility issue while B&C, the more i read about it, the more it's seems that it differs from one person to another and the majority would tell you infertility is guaranteed on B&C. It just seems to be all bro-science.

Again, when i said B&C, what i had in mind was running a cycle say Test/Deca @ 600/600 a week with 50mg of Dbol daily for 16 weeks OR Test/Tren 300/400 with DBol for 10-12 weeks ...then cruise on 150mg of Test for 8 weeks, then repeat.... will do that for a year then, come off completely, Heavy PCT and take a few months of recover.

feel free to correct me as i am asking to get more point of views, i could be wrong on a lot of things.
Whatever cycle you decide on, your time off should equal time on.... and only then after blood work confirms that everything is g2g should you consider blasting again.

With regard to whether you will recover or not.... the risks are high, I'd get your mindset ready for a lifetime of TRT, and if you just happen to get lucky, then happy days!

Just remember man, you're only 35yrs old.... although the lifestyle may seem great to you right now, a lifetime of TRT needles aint all it's cracked up to be - trust me!

Unless you think you have a chance to make any money out of this sport, I respectfully suggest you get your head out of the clouds and ask yourself if the risk is worth the reward!

Health will, and should always, be paramount in any cycle you run.
Ultimately it boils down to you and the decision of whether or not to B&C is your call. I will say this though, that if you are able to cycle and actually recover and hold on to some of your gains then I would keep doing that until you absolutely need to be on TRT.

Blasting and cruising for a year straight is going to make the chances of you recovering much less than a typical 12-20 week cycle. Hell, some guys don't even recover after a 12-20 week cycle. The PCT after being on for year is going to be much worse than any PCT youve done yet I can guarantee you that. The longer your on the harder it is to recover and the shittier youre going to feel when you come off.

If you want to blast and cruise, wait until your blood work shows you need to be on TRT then take if from there. It wont even matter at that point as you will never come off as you really wont be able to.

Just my .02

If you really do want to B&C and have you mind set on it then I will answer some of the questions you have. Just keep in mind if you chose that route there may not be an option of coming off anymore.
Doing blast and cruise means you are married to the needle - probably for life. I would listen to Schredder and just keep doing cycles. Once you break the system there is no going back...and when the Zombie Apocalypse hits, while everyone else is grabbing guns and food, you will be gunning for the pharmacy and testosterone...
If you're set on B&C (read above posts before continuing).. I would actually recommend short ester Tren.

It's more work for you (pinning ed/eod, rotation management, etc), but will make it more likely you hit your goal. You have 9 months to do this and you must follow the Time off = Time on for B&C.

My logic here is that if you employ long esters as your work horses you will have slow in (5 weeks of wasted time that will need to be "recovered" post- blast), and slow out (again, 2 weeks of productive time for the Tren E as it's leaving, but will need to be waited out as "recovery" time, post-blast)

So, 12 weeks Tren E = 8 weeks tops of productive time, but will require 14 weeks of OFF time.

If you use Acetate, you can do 12 weeks still, 1-2 weeks in and you're full steam ahead.. 10-11 weeks of productive time, and 1 week out of system. Then 11-12 weeks off!

12 weeks ON, 12 weeks OFF, 12 weeks ON. End will be your 9 months.. and hopefully you hitting your goal, then back to low dose Test only.


Before actually recommending any cycles in particular, I would look at the "mini" goals within the time frame at hand.

I would suggest the first 12 weeks be used as a bulk and since you're already fairly lean it'll work out well for growth! Focus oh so heavily on diet here, only increase calories as much as you need to keep a consistent 1 - 1.5 lbs of weight coming on every week. I would start moving your weight up with diet BEFORE you jump on the juice, if you think you can! It'll be important to have it in place before starting as you'll know exactly how much you're eating, and that you'll need that + a hair more to start gaining again as you plateau.

If I were to recommend AAS and more for this 12 week period.. Test E, NPP, Tren A (if you are capable of gaining with it), GH, an oral you've had previous experience using and know you do well with. Any combination or all of the above can be used together, but I'm not 100% on what you've done and haven't done. Dosages are going to depend on what YOU personally can manage.. how your body does with each one.

So long as you are familiar with all of the above, I'm sure they would be of great aide to your bulk :)


Maintenance period / Cruise

200-250mg Test E

I would continue attempting to bulk and keeping your calories higher for sure as all the other AAS leaves your system.. You will need to utilize diet to maintain the weight gained, 100%, without a doubt! At 5'7" and lean.. if you went up to 220lbs you'd be pushing the limits a bit, and will require quite a bit to keep up with that on 200mg Test. Push to gain, but at least maintain.

I would imagine if you're capable of affording GH and did it for the bulk, you would need to do it through the maint. period as well, and the cut/recomp phase too. That, maybe some SARMS for bridging, peptides could be employed.. but at the end of the day, it will be diet again that will determine how well you do here.



Diet again first thing. Will be the determining factor of how well you look at the end of this phase. I recommend inquiring with 3J if you're interested in strategies for this sort of phase.. or perhaps checking the diet section here on Ology.

AAS and such,

You could use any combo of the above used for bulk if you wanted.. OR, you could use some of those + Anavar, Winstrol, Masteron Propionate, or maybe Superdrol instead of Mast if you like that better. As it's still mainly diet dependant.. there are some of these things that have positive sides more like that of what you'd want from a cut, and some more for that of a bulk.

It will come down to preference, cycle history, and how your body reacts to each thing mentioned. I'd research some more about everything mentioned, and use the general layout above as a guideline as you determine a true plan of action. :)

DIET first though, Always! Tren is amazing, but it's 1000 times better when you are on your shit diet-wise. It can clean up your messy holiday eating.. or you can eat perfect and it can clean up your entire body in 12 weeks :D

Same goes for all other compounds, though tren is a little more rambunctious in it's actions!!