If you're set on B&C (read above posts before continuing).. I would actually recommend short ester Tren.
It's more work for you (pinning ed/eod, rotation management, etc), but will make it more likely you hit your goal. You have 9 months to do this and you must follow the Time off = Time on for B&C.
My logic here is that if you employ long esters as your work horses you will have slow in (5 weeks of wasted time that will need to be "recovered" post- blast), and slow out (again, 2 weeks of productive time for the Tren E as it's leaving, but will need to be waited out as "recovery" time, post-blast)
So, 12 weeks Tren E = 8 weeks tops of productive time, but will require 14 weeks of OFF time.
If you use Acetate, you can do 12 weeks still, 1-2 weeks in and you're full steam ahead.. 10-11 weeks of productive time, and 1 week out of system. Then 11-12 weeks off!
12 weeks ON, 12 weeks OFF, 12 weeks ON. End will be your 9 months.. and hopefully you hitting your goal, then back to low dose Test only.
Before actually recommending any cycles in particular, I would look at the "mini" goals within the time frame at hand.
I would suggest the first 12 weeks be used as a bulk and since you're already fairly lean it'll work out well for growth! Focus oh so heavily on diet here, only increase calories as much as you need to keep a consistent 1 - 1.5 lbs of weight coming on every week. I would start moving your weight up with diet BEFORE you jump on the juice, if you think you can! It'll be important to have it in place before starting as you'll know exactly how much you're eating, and that you'll need that + a hair more to start gaining again as you plateau.
If I were to recommend AAS and more for this 12 week period.. Test E, NPP, Tren A (if you are capable of gaining with it), GH, an oral you've had previous experience using and know you do well with. Any combination or all of the above can be used together, but I'm not 100% on what you've done and haven't done. Dosages are going to depend on what YOU personally can manage.. how your body does with each one.
So long as you are familiar with all of the above, I'm sure they would be of great aide to your bulk
Maintenance period / Cruise
200-250mg Test E
I would continue attempting to bulk and keeping your calories higher for sure as all the other AAS leaves your system.. You will need to utilize diet to maintain the weight gained, 100%, without a doubt! At 5'7" and lean.. if you went up to 220lbs you'd be pushing the limits a bit, and will require quite a bit to keep up with that on 200mg Test. Push to gain, but at least maintain.
I would imagine if you're capable of affording GH and did it for the bulk, you would need to do it through the maint. period as well, and the cut/recomp phase too. That, maybe some SARMS for bridging, peptides could be employed.. but at the end of the day, it will be diet again that will determine how well you do here.
Diet again first thing. Will be the determining factor of how well you look at the end of this phase. I recommend inquiring with 3J if you're interested in strategies for this sort of phase.. or perhaps checking the diet section here on Ology.
AAS and such,
You could use any combo of the above used for bulk if you wanted.. OR, you could use some of those + Anavar, Winstrol, Masteron Propionate, or maybe Superdrol instead of Mast if you like that better. As it's still mainly diet dependant.. there are some of these things that have positive sides more like that of what you'd want from a cut, and some more for that of a bulk.
It will come down to preference, cycle history, and how your body reacts to each thing mentioned. I'd research some more about everything mentioned, and use the general layout above as a guideline as you determine a true plan of action.
DIET first though, Always! Tren is amazing, but it's 1000 times better when you are on your shit diet-wise. It can clean up your messy holiday eating.. or you can eat perfect and it can clean up your entire body in 12 weeks
Same goes for all other compounds, though tren is a little more rambunctious in it's actions!!