how would you run these?


New member
hey guys good board need some new ideas..have done 5 cycles in the past last one a year ago..6foot, 180lbs, 26yrs, 8%bf..ok this is what i have

i have a shitload of all of these so what would you guys do with all this for a few cycles i would like to plan at least 4 cycles from what i is what i am thinking for the first one..thanks for people who wanna take the time to respond..

omna 250mg mon and thrs 10 weeks
dbol 30mg first 5 weeks
deca last 8 weeks 400mg per week
Ok bo as far as Omnadren goes it will bloat u up pretty quick, i'm not a fan of omnadren but if u have it than go for it.
Try something like this
1-10 Omna 500/mg/wk
1-4 dbol 35/mg/ed
1-10 deca 400mg/wk
5-10 Winstrol (winny) 50mg/eod
Use Adex and Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) during the cycle and ofcoure clomid post cycle.JMO
iced said:
if you run the omnas, run an amp eod for the first week.

Iced....., I understand why you say "an amp EOD for the first week" get blood levels even, but after the first week, when he is doing an amp only twice a week, the prop & phynelprop are going to cause the same fluctuations in blood level that he got around in the first week by doing EOD injections.
heres some things Andy13 posted over at CEM regarding sustanon:

-The model of sustanon compared to esters of various other half lives shows that sustanon is much, much, more like a single ester testosterone than you might think. I too believed that blood levels would be more difficult to control, compared to TE for instance.. until I plotted this..

I think there is A LOT of misconception about sustanon. There is an infamous thread that has been claimed by more different authors than I can count. I'm not talking about paraphrasing either. This gets cut-n-pasted, word for fucking word, and the sad part is that is it ridiculously erroneous and misleading. It's pretty much entirely shyte except for the few instances where universal, 'impossible-to-fuck-up no-matter-what' type of 'good' information such as "inject more frequently" is given.. But even then, it is buried in so much illogical garbage that the principles are skewed. I hate this post.

This is a huge reason why many BBers do not understand the concept of the ester. I'm not talking about knowing "longer ester= longer half life, shorter ester= faster acting. Knowledge of (only) this trivial information is dangerous. I remember when I first learned about esters and had only this understanding.. I thought I knew everything there was to know. It turns out that this isn't even the half of it.

Back to my rant about this infamous sustanon post, the author clearly does not understand how esters work. The common misconception that I (and probably many others) had once is that in sustanon, the prop releases first, and then the phenyl prop, followed by the longer esters (but later). After all, the longer esters don't kick in until week 3 or so, right? Nothing say's "I have no fucking clue about esters" quite like the latter statement..

This fundamental lack of understanding is something I feel is important, and I have made it my life-long goal to take the time and try and explain this (100's of times) to those who have been misinformed. A good many of them don't give a shit. They want the bottom line, after all, who gives a shit about esters during their 10-month winter hiatus from the gym? I can certainly appreciate that... Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) mentoring isn't for everyone and everyone shouldn't do it.. The problem is that it is usually these dudes (who care only to know where to stick the pin) that are the first one's to regurgitate the shit they heard yesterday, thus doing their part to perpetuate the cycle of ignorance…

Next time, I’ll tell you how I really feel about the idiots in this sport who litter the boards with filth and plagiarized garbage..

- think front loads should be completed within the first week.. If it is stretched out to two weeks, it's easy to over-shoot the mark..
You'll have higher levels of ACTIVE hormone during this time than during the regular cycle. The goal is get blood levels up TO max theraputic levels quicker.. I know you probably understand the theory of frontloading, but there are some who might think (pehaps from the name "frontload") that blood levels are highest in the beginning.

Thanks.....but that does not really explain it;
He states "I too believed that blood levels would be more difficult to control, compared to TE for instance.. until I plotted this......." WHAT ??. There must be something missing, I guess I'll have to go out & research this more, cause the whole thing you just posted has my curiosity up.
Thanks for the link....that is quite an interesting theory !!

But let us not stop the discussion there, because like I said before, this has my curiosity up. :cool:

This post was taken from the same board, in the "Vault" (best of) forum and posted by GettinSwole, super Mod.

Originally posted by GettinSwole
Proper Sustanon Usage
The proper use of Sustanon in a cycle by Squatdemon

One of the most misunderstood ideals when it comes to Sustanon is how to properly use it in a cycle. There is no wrong way, but there is a best way to administer proper doseages so you can fully benifit from the esters in Sustanon.

Sustanon was developed for the primary reason of hormone replacement, and because of the mix of esters most patients only needed one shot a month to keep their hormone levels balanced. Because of this design, the bodybuilder will not recieve proper doseages at once or twice a week injections. Your blood levels will fluctuate up and down continually, which is not what you want while on a cycle. You want stable levels to give your body the best chance it can have to build plenty of muscle.

All test is the same, but once only the ester is removed. People that say test is test are wrong unless you are assuming that the ester has already been removed. I have had plenty of different results fromt the different tests I have used, as well as I am sure you have too. The secret to making sus work correctly, is timing the esters so the blood levels do not fluctuate.

I will assume that everyone knows how an ester works and why one is added to the parent testosterone. With sustanon, you have 4 esters:30mg of prop60mg of phenylprop60mg of isocaproate100mg of deconateCombined to give you 250mg. Now everyone knows for themselves how much test they should take due to previous cycles or no cycles at all. Lets take each ester and see how long they will stay active in the body. 30mg of prop--Prop needs to be injected at least every other day to get the full benifits of the test. I think every third day is a little too long to wait, although some people may disagree. Now lets say you are doing a prop only cycle and injecting 30mg twice a week. You can see already that is a waste of gear. If you inject 30mg of prop twice a week you are totally wasting your time. You will NOT grow off of this, so you can basically take sus and knock it down to 220mg an amp if you are injecting once or twice a week. 60 mg of phenylprop--Phenylprop is not that much different than prop. You can get away with injecting the phenylprop ester every third day. Anyone that has taken nandrolone with a phenylprop ester knows that it is shorter acting and must be injected twice a week (for example, getwoods powder). If injected twice a week, then lets even cushion the amount, you will have all 120 mg in one week.

To recap, so far this is what you get the first week---180 mg of test in your system. If you ask me that was a waste of two amps. That is barely enough to supress the axis, and that is about all you will have happen if you inject 180mg of test per week. Now lets look at the longer acting esters in sus. 60mg of Isocaproate--Isocaproate will give you a duration of about a week before it is let go. This is not bad, but at 60 mg you are still not getting enough test to make it worth the time. 100mg of Deconate--Here is the daddy of the four esters. This is the same ester that is used in Decca-Durabolin. The deconate ester should really average out at 2 weeks, but has been said to last up to 3.This ester was added at a 100mg dose to balance out the quicker acting esters used in sustanon.

If we review one more time, we can see roughly how much test we will have in our body per week when we use sus, and hopefully you can see it is very low. You can pretty much take out the prop and phenylprop until about week 3 or 4, because once the other esters release the test and it gets time to build up in the system, the prop and phenylprop is useless. Not until around week six are you going to get your test levels high enough to do any good, and if you are on a 10 week cycle and start tapering week 8, then your test have been only relatively high for about 2-3 weeks. Call me crazy, but that is not at all what I want in a cycle. Every test cycle should be started high to hit those receptors hard, and I dont even taper at the end (but that is a different story).

The numbers that BIGDAWG and I worked on basically show that your test levels will never at one time be stable for more that a couple of weeks. Why do you think that people say they have less bloat on sus and less sides. There is so little of the short acting test in your system at one time that it is impossible to get any bloat or side effects at all. So you ask, well what is the best way to take sus then? First I would answer dont buy it. If you really want to use a 4 blend test then buy some of the old omna (not the new ones), they have more shorter acting tests in them and the blood levels will stay more equal.

If you dont believe me, ask anyone that has used the old omna and they will tell you they got quite a bit of bloat from it. Reason being is the shorter acting esters in the omna build up your blood levels quicker, hence you have the bloat factor. If someone doesnt like my first answer, then I will give them a second, "inject the sus everyday or at the least every other day." I usually get the "wholly shit, thats crazy!!!" answer. I usually tell them back, no its not crazy, its science. The actual science of sus combined with a bodybuilders needs equal injecting every day.

People seem to forget about the esters and think they are injecting all of 1750mg each week and getting every mg of it. Trust me folks, I am not talking about injecting 7 amps a week for 10 weeks, I am suggesting injecting an amp a day for 3 weeks, and letting the esters do thier work after that. When you crunch the numbers, for the first two weeks you are really only getting the prop, phenylprop, and a little of the isocaproate. Maybe about 700-750 mg for the first two weeks, and for weeks after that when all of the isocaproate and deconate kick in you will stay aroung 600-800mg for weeks following the first couple. You have a perfect taper, if you are into that, and stable test levels. If you go to eod, it will vary a bit, but not enough to really make too much of a difference.

Start off the cycle with 5 weeks of dbol while using the sus, and when you are done with the sustanon, then immediately start injecting two anabolics like eq and decca, or decca and primo/winny. This is a cycle that a lot of the pros are using called front end loading with an anabolic taper. I guinea pigged this idea when BIGDAWG and I were discussing it many months back, and damn it was a really good cycle. Not as good as 1000mg of aratest a week, but still a pretty good cycle. I have cycled sus/omna both ways, and trained relatively the same with the same kind of diet. The difference in the two cycles were like night and day, about a 15-17 pound difference, and two amps of omna a week was my first cycle too. You know, the one you are supposed to grow the most off of because of the virgin receptors. So test may be test, but you will not get the same results from every ester out there if you dont know how to time them. If you are thinking of a sus/omna cycle, give this a try. I promise you will not be disappointed, and you just may thank me and DAWG later......peace.
lilarnold wouldn't i wanna throw some test in there? and i have ip Winstrol (winny) so i was thinking about 100mg ed? his stuff isn't always dosed is what i came up with last night thought about it a lot here goes..

dbol 30mg week 1 thru 6
enan 500mg week 1 thru 12
deca 400mg week 1 thru 12
clomid of course

cycle 2-
omna-500mg week 1 thru 12
eq- 400mg week 1 thru 10 (dont have 12 week supply)
winny- 100mg week 6 thru 12

cycle 3-
dbol 40mg week 1 thru 6
omna 750mg week 1 thru 12
winny 100mg week 6 thru 12

i like to plan ahead so i have no surprises, i just got eq what do you guys think? opinions wellcome..the Winstrol (winny) may be high but they are ip so ??thanks
Moharo said:
Ok bo as far as Omnadren goes it will bloat u up pretty quick, i'm not a fan of omnadren but if u have it than go for it.

1 thing for you guys. The old Omnadrens would bloat you up quickly not the new ones.
They have changed the esters in Omnadren and now they are very very close to Sus 250..
StoneColdNTO said:
Thanks for the link....that is quite an interesting theory !!

But let us not stop the discussion there, because like I said before, this has my curiosity up. :cool:

This post was taken from the same board, in the "Vault" (best of) forum and posted by GettinSwole, super Mod.

from the graph andy plotted, sustanon very closely resembles the release of an ester like thta of cypionate. The author of that "proper way to cycle sustanon", seems to not realize that esters do not release in sequence, shorter, longer, longest so on. They all release at once, just faster and slower, but you still have a fairly steady release of testerone in your body. After the undeconate ester weight is taken off, you in actuality only have somehting like 60-70mg of actual test. So really, blood levels are somewhat stable, save the firts week, when you should inject eod.