How would you run this?


New member
Well I was originally planning on doing a 10 week cycle.

1-10 test e 500 weekly
2-10 tren a 75-100mg eod
5-10 whinny 50mg daily

but as of right now I cant get would i need for this. what I have avaliable... 1 10ml bottle of cyp 250mg/ml. 2 10ml bottles of prop 100mg/ml. I have an endless supply on tren.

I was thinking of running a short cycle something like..

1-5 test cyp 500 weekly
1-5 tren ace 100 eod
1-5 whinny 50 daily
along with clen two on two off

I know its a really short cycle but I just really cant get anything right now. Do you have any recomendations for anything different?
Ive done a few in the past. 1st was deca dbol, 2nd was deca whinny. My first two cycles were when i was ignorant about the use, i was extremely stupid at the time. ive learned a lot since then. My most recent cycle was about 3-4 months ago. it was test e and tren a but i was unfortunate and got an injury and had to stop at week 4.
I would skip the 5 week thing. go with 12 weeks based on what you listed as running.

1-10 test e
1-9 tren ace
6-12 winny

Start post cycle therapy (pct) at the same time and let the Winstrol (winny) carry you into post cycle therapy (pct).

I ALWAYS run test past whatever else I am running. That's why I backed it off a week on the tren. This also assumes that you only want to go 10 weeks and start post cycle therapy (pct) at week 13. If not, I would run the tren to week 10 and the test to week 12. then run the Winstrol (winny) during the two weeks between your last shot of test and your first dose for post cycle therapy (pct).
Swellin said:
I would skip the 5 week thing. go with 12 weeks based on what you listed as running.

1-10 test e
1-9 tren ace
6-12 winny

Start post cycle therapy (pct) at the same time and let the Winstrol (winny) carry you into post cycle therapy (pct).

I ALWAYS run test past whatever else I am running. That's why I backed it off a week on the tren. This also assumes that you only want to go 10 weeks and start post cycle therapy (pct) at week 13. If not, I would run the tren to week 10 and the test to week 12. then run the Winstrol (winny) during the two weeks between your last shot of test and your first dose for post cycle therapy (pct).

I would do that in a heart beat. my only problem is I cant get want i need to run everything that long. Im still going to search around since im not planning on starting for another 1 1/2-2 months.

But if I cant find another source how would you run it with what I posted in the second part
Test cyp would be silly to run for less than 8-10 weeks but since you can get prop:

1-8 test prop 150mg eod
4-8 tren ace 75mg eod
4-8 Winstrol (winny) 50mg day
outlawtas2 said:
if you can't get what you need, don't run your cycle yet. It's very clear to me.

He nailed it. If you can't get what you need, don't run the cycle until you get it all put together.
you both are very very right. Im better off waiting then doing a half ass cycle. I was just curious to what everyone had to say. but im going to wait for now, Thanks guys