Hows my Blood work look?


Carved by the Gods
Attached are my results. this is after post cycle therapy (pct). Libido is just not there for some reason.
also wondering if I need another test before I start cycle again or does this look pretty good?
im not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now, but I have been using caber.
you think I should drop it? Using peptides and I heard you can have prolactin sides so that's the only reason for it.

Can the caber be the cause of it or how else would I get estrogen to rise?
im not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now, but I have been using caber.
you think I should drop it? Using peptides and I heard you can have prolactin sides so that's the only reason for it.

Can the caber be the cause of it or how else would I get estrogen to rise?

caber will not lower the E and it should give you some libido but im not sure how much , im only a week into my use
I would drop the caber. My guess is that it's not actually caber but some sort of Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I'm only guessing on that. You'd have to send it off to a lab to know for sure. You might think about giving blood because your RBC and hematocrit are getting a little high.
How long after post cycle therapy (pct) was this test done?

this is little over 2 weeks after. Funny my test level so high already.

I was thinking about giving blood once to lower it before next cycle.
I was actually reading around to see if there are other alternatives as well since my rbc is only .03 over.
not sure if its still up from the cycle?
You should wait a month after your last post cycle therapy (pct) dose to get a more realistic level. I would just have another hormone panel done before the next cycle. Unless you really start feeling like crap before then. It wouldn't hurt to give blood, but the hematocrit will go down some on its own if you stay off long enough.
this is little over 2 weeks after. Funny my test level so high already.

I was thinking about giving blood once to lower it before next cycle.
I was actually reading around to see if there are other alternatives as well since my rbc is only .03 over.
not sure if its still up from the cycle?
I'd still donate. You might be only .03 over now, but once you start pumping up those androgens again, you have a bigger battle ahead of you. Besides, they actually have some pretty healthy snacks now at the Red Cross haha.
You should wait a month after your last post cycle therapy (pct) dose to get a more realistic level. I would just have another hormone panel done before the next cycle. Unless you really start feeling like crap before then. It wouldn't hurt to give blood, but the hematocrit will go down some on its own if you stay off long enough.

my plan was to wait about 10 weeks after, but this libido thing is becoming an issue in my marriage.
I thought I should check and see what's going on so I can try and fix it.
if the caber is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), then I assume that will take care of it, but if its not then how can I raise my estro level off cycle?
You said you were running peptides in another post. If its not the caber I would be looking at those next. Something is definitely crashing your estro.