Hows my breakfast?


New member
What do you boys think of this for breakfast if im cutting.

1 whole egg 6 egg whites
hand full of spinach chopped
1/4 large pepper chopped
60 grams of ham/ turkey(what ever is available) chopped
some feta cheese

This all equals my omelette.

3/4 cup of Whole Wheat Oatmeal
dash of honey... dash of syrup, brown sugar... 1 cup of blueberries ...

This is how I start my day.. errr day LOL
40 pro 30 carb, 30 fat.

I do 45 min cardio low intensity first thing in the morning around 6 am. then i do weights plus 45 min cardio in the evening around 6 pm

Youre clearly doing enough Cardio so that's good but I don't like the mixing of fats and carbs like that. There are several reasons you shouldn't mix fats and carbs together.

Either do protein/fat or protein/carb not protein/fat/carbs especially when cutting.

Check out this article, in addition, the body uses carbs for energy, if there are no carbs the it will look to use fat stores for energy. Some people are genetically gifted and don't have to worry about it much but most of us arent so lucky.
40 pro 30 carb, 30 fat.

I do 45 min cardio low intensity first thing in the morning around 6 am. then i do weights plus 45 min cardio in the evening around 6 pm

i dont see how that meal has 30g fats.. are u using a shit load of oil to cook??

the macros are crap.. lower ur fats.. up your carbs