How's This Cycle Look


New member
Yo Bros! I would deeply appreciate any critiques of this cycle.
This is backing up a small 6 week cycle of sus/deca/dbol clean for several weeks now (gained 21 after all was said and done).

Stats are:

wght 208
BF around 10%

I am going for hardness and mass.

Weeks 1-8 sus 500mg a week Dbol 12.5mg 2x day
Weeks 3-12 EQ 300 a week
Weeks 5-14 Para
weeks 14-20 Taper down with d-bol(?)
Week 15 start clomid.

Suplements the usual whey protien, lots of vitamins, lots of glutamine.This time I am also going to try "Muschel Tech"

Have "benzos" for sleeping and GH secretion.

Then eat anything thay doesn't move or that I can catch first 10 weeks then up the protien and cut the carbs towards the end and adding some aerobic work.

Also would like to stick in a few weeks of site injections for the guns. Cyp or enthanate possibly?

Should I add anything that I might be missing?

Any help bros will be much appreciated. Come June I want that "chisled out of stone look" holding at around 220-225lbs.
A couple things I would look at changing;
1- too long on just finished a 6 week course of them 2 weeks ago, now you're gonna do another 8 weeks.....and possibly more to finish.
2- not enough EQ, do at least 400 mg/week for a minimium of 10 week
3- I don't see anything about liver protection
Hey Bro. Actually I've been clean for about 6 weeks. I was/am debating the d-bol length. I just get used to taking them before I lift! Love that little kick combined with "speed stack"/ I lift like a caged animal!

Anyway. This is my first time using EQ. I have always been a deca fan but thought I would "change" things up a little. Want a "hard" look. So I will up the EQ to 400-500.

What about a good relatively pain free site injection for the guns gear?
Any suggestions? I had cysts taken out of my right wrist last year (and believe it or not got ran over by a bus in Mexico and shattered my lower left leg!) and my arms didn't "come back" the way the rest of my body did. It's pissing me off greatly!

Appreciate your help. I want this cycle to be perfect.

Got the milk thistle and ordered some "Liverite Aid". Never tried it before but heard it was good. Also have some saw-p too.

Is it better to go longer with EQ?