Hows this look for a first Cycle?

  • Thread starter Thread starter russ0001
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Jus wanted someone to cast a quick eye over my proposed first Test E cycle.... Been deliberating it for a while but am happy to go ahead as I have a very good source for everything i need.

Anyway as you can imagine im a bit sceptical so not goin in at very high dosage... Im 23 170lbs 12% bf and 6ft..

Thinking Test E 250mg every 5 days to equal 12 weeks...

PCT Nolva week 14-19 20 mg ed

Bit worried about hair loss as already receding a bit but was hoping lowish dose plus noviron shampoo would mean im ok!

Could get Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) from week 4 what do you guys think to that?? wanted to keep it as simple as poss but if its worth it i will use....
You should get blood work done before you start anything. At 23 your test levels still might be high as hell and it might be higher then what youre gonna get out of 250mg every 5 days. I don't recommend anybody under 25 using gear but that's just me (and almost every other experienced user) Also, at 6' 170 and 12% bf, you're light which means your diet probably sucks as far as mass gaining goes. Not trying to be harsh but those are the facts. Even on gear if you don't eat you're not gonna see gains and are gonna waste your gear. At that low of dose you don't need to worry about hair loss. There's plenty of guys that have ran over a gram a week over and over again that don't lose hair. If you're running nolva for post cycle therapy (pct) you need to run it 40/40/20/20. What about an AI? Once again, at that low of a dose I doubt you'll need it but it's better to have it then not. And yes I'd run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and since you can't get it til the 4th week blast it at the end.