HPTA Restart Advice for low test after 2 year break from cycling with bloodwork


New member
I am 26 and have had blood work 3 times in the last 6 months. I haven't used steroids in two years. Diet is on point, I work out 5-6 days a week, get plenty of sleep, supplement ZMA etc.

My test levels are low for my age, total test is just over 400 and free is 60 average. This is due to multiple cycles back to back a few years ago with incorrect pct. Test level for my age range should be between 600-800 and 120-150.

I am considering a couple options to remedy this but am unsure of what to do and I don't want to cause further damage.

1. Cycle hcg for 4 weeks @ 1500 iu's 3x a week followed by clomid for 4 weeks @ 50mg for the 1st week, 100mg for 2nd and 3rd and back to 50mg for the 4th. Then get blood work in 6 weeks and see if things are better.

2. Run hcg and clomid together on longer term for most likely 90 days. I have heard this will cause problems?

3. Or just consider running both or just clomid permanently. Are there side effects from long term use of either?

I am open to other ideas as well, but really think that I am too young for TRT.
FSH - 1.8
LH 2.8
Estro Total 113.6

Should I use hcg and then clomid? If so, how much?

Or just clomid? If so, how long? Can I do a long term regimen?
You could try running PCT again. If you have testicular atrophy start with hCG. Once TT levels return to normal or better (compare to your Natty Baseline pre-cycle levels) switch to Clomid and Nolva for 4-6 weeks. Run blood work about 6 weeks after you stop the SERMs.
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Atrophy is not that bad. Unfortunately I do not have that baseline. I did not do my research and this is why I have had the problems.

Clomid for 6 weeks at 50mg everyday sound ok?