Need your help guys...
I have done a few cycles when I was bodybuilding back when I was about 21-23.
After I finished my last cycle's PCT I have done some blood test and testosterone levels were all back to normal.
Now my testosterone is pretty low I guess due to stress (life gets complicated sometimes when you reach 30)
and my sex drive is ZERO and I miss it alot since I could rape trees back in the day.
I am now working out about 3 times a week just to maintain some basic mass, looking lean and clean.
I was thinking of running 250mg/w of Testosterone Enanthate (one shot a week) for about 12 weeks and then
start PCT with Nolvadex only.
I was wondering a few things:
1. Is there any difference in natural testosterone production shutdown if I'm taking 250mg/w vs. 500mg/w?
2. Will Nolvadex only be enough for getting natural levels back up?
3. Is it necessary to have Arimidex on hand in case of gyno?
4. For a 250mg/w of Test E only cycle, How would I run the Nolvadex? (how much and for how long)
5. Will 250mg/w of Test E only make me rape trees again?
and I thought getting old starts at 50...
Would appreciate your help guys,
I have done a few cycles when I was bodybuilding back when I was about 21-23.
After I finished my last cycle's PCT I have done some blood test and testosterone levels were all back to normal.
Now my testosterone is pretty low I guess due to stress (life gets complicated sometimes when you reach 30)
and my sex drive is ZERO and I miss it alot since I could rape trees back in the day.
I am now working out about 3 times a week just to maintain some basic mass, looking lean and clean.
I was thinking of running 250mg/w of Testosterone Enanthate (one shot a week) for about 12 weeks and then
start PCT with Nolvadex only.
I was wondering a few things:
1. Is there any difference in natural testosterone production shutdown if I'm taking 250mg/w vs. 500mg/w?
2. Will Nolvadex only be enough for getting natural levels back up?
3. Is it necessary to have Arimidex on hand in case of gyno?
4. For a 250mg/w of Test E only cycle, How would I run the Nolvadex? (how much and for how long)
5. Will 250mg/w of Test E only make me rape trees again?
and I thought getting old starts at 50...
Would appreciate your help guys,