

New member
What is it? What does it do for you? I did search on it.....all I came up with was a doctor prescribed it to you.....I don't know.
A doctor will prescrible a LOW dose of test. Not nearly enough to make a cycle out of Bro. For example, StoneColdNTO is on 100mg/week of Test for HRT.
It's awesome for those of us with natty low test (mine due to vasectomy). My first couple of cycles were miserable because I had nothing to recover to so you struggle. Older bros can feel good and look good again.
the standard dose is 100mg a week, that's what I'm on, but it can go up with time.

JohnnyB said:
How do you get a Doctor to give you 200mg a week, buff


What it took to get good blood levels, bro. I can pretty much take what I want, but that's the prescription he settled on for me. All individual.
I'm at 100mg a week, some times I feel it needs to be uped. But I do that on the side;)

Good Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) will take you to the top of normal range, but no higher. Men are healthiest and happiest at that level. However, to go higher than that is to do a steroid cycle basically forever--no way to live for years and years on end.