Humalog for about 7 hours??


New member
hi guys i've on humalog post work out and today i had a slin pwo 8 ui like this

finish workout (2.10 pm) shot of slin (2.15 pm)+5min shake maltodextrine 70 gr + 10 gr glutamine + 10 gr creatine
shot of slin + 15 min 60 gr whey protein
shot of slin + 1.15 hours 50 gr carbs 40 gr protein
shot of slin + 2.45 hour 30 gr carbs 50 gr protein.

The problem is the i was normal at that point but at 7 pm I had palpitations, sweatings and that staff so I took and orange, I KNOW THAT HUMALOG IS ACTIVATE FOR A MAX OF 4 HOURS RIGHT?
Then at about 8.30pm I had another palpitations etc etc like and hypoglicemic.. so what happened? it seems that was activate for 6 hours or more? I don't understand please help me!!
Greetings from Peru!:beertoast
sorry i dont have any experience wuth insulin but i will bump this to the top for you . i would drfinately not mess with it again until you get this straightened out.
i'm using humalog so I guess i'll chime's hard understanding what your post says, but it sounds like you're either doing 8iu x 4 times a day or 2iu x 4 to equal 8iu total. If you're doing 8iu x 4, that is way too much in such a short period of time.

Humalog peaks at 1-2 hours, and is usually completely done by hour 3-4, so if your experiencing insulin effects after 4 hours, you probably have humulin r. Either way, make sure your carrying around one of those needle pens, or some glucose tabs or candy so they if you start noticing something weird you have fast carbs ready.
hey dude! I only use once after training 8ui 2.10 pm but at 8.30 i had a hypo syntoms.. i know that humalog is activate for about 4 hours but in my case i had and hypo 6.30 hours after my shot so? what's the deal
oh ok i see what you mean now. I do 10iu humalog pwo, followed immediately by 50g protein, 25g dextrose, 25g maltodextrin. Then an hour later, eat a clean meal. Never had any of those symptoms. 8iu isn't that much, and it looks like you had plenty of carbs, so I doubt it's the humalog.

When I start insulin, I only do it for a month at a time + a month or more off. I start with 4iu on day 1, 5iu day 2, 6iu on day 3...until I reach 10iu per day. Some people are known to be more sensitive to insulin so I suggesting starting low and increasing daily until you find your sweet (safe) spot. I would never go above 10iu at once, it's too close to playing with death.
OK thank u ! I'll try 6 ui after training.. but i don0t understand why so much time was activate like an Humulin r. what should i do?