Hunger Control


New member
Hey guys...joined up because of all the info I read on here...great site. But recently I've been finding it hard to control hunger cravings...for the most part I can do alrite but then I will cave and I mean cave hard....2 days worth of calories and fat in nuts among whatever else I can get into me within the hour, then I'm left feeling bloated for 3 days and like crap.

My diet in general is Oatmeal with fat free cottage cheese, cinnamon and tbs of hemp seed powder and whey scoop. Mid morning snack is almonds and chicken/tuna/turkey, lunch is a spinach salad tuna/egg/turkey or salmon salad, another 3pm snack before gym like turkey and 2 rice cakes, followed up by PWO shake/bananna then hour or so after another pwo meal then a sake before bed. Usually eat salads for the most part for every meal with a protein source.

In betwen I supp with Fish oil, Flax seed, coconut (mct) oil, walnuts, multi vita pm/am for the most part...

Currently cycle:

26yr-old, 5'10'', 195lbs work out 5/7 days but starting to add cardio everyday...

Anavar 20mg/am 20mg/pm- Week 4
HGH 5IU/day Subq @ 2am - Week 3
Clen depending on the day

I seem to be ok untill I get home and I fight with myself not to there something I am missing or causing me to constantly crave...I keep it 3hrs max and if anything munch on veggies in between but, I crave carb foods and nuts or pb/almond butter like crazy....

Does this come down to self-control or what do you guys do. Ive never had such a hard time cutting up for summer untill now.
hahaha every day on this pre-contest diet, im wishing there was a pill that would just make me feel full. i crave everything.
you really need to spell out your diet with macros..

but off the bat i would add more green fiber filled veggies in your diet..

like 2 cups broccoli and 2 cups salad with bell peppers, spinach, cauliflower, cucumbers, and whatever veggies u like, yes tomatoes are ok)..

that will make you feel fuller longer
When i get hungry and start craving, i have almonds.. Why?
Because they taste like ass and after 6 of them your satisfied and all you feel like is drinking to get the taste out of your mouth lol :)
I take 25mg of 1,3 dimethylamlamine with 200mg of caffeine from when I wake up spaced out every 4 hours 3x a day (8am, noon, 4pm) and I have no problems with hunger.

I am pretty sure it works and is not in my head unless I am very easily suggestive. I was unable to take the last daily dosage till I got home by 8pm and that day failed for hunger control. I think it works as well as ephedrine for hunger control. I had a 1 week lapse between using ephedrine and swithing to this. That week was very harsh and mostly a fail for my hunger control. Once I started on this, I had no problems.
Zi Xiu

Zi Xiu "Bee Pollen" is the only thing that ever curbed my hunger. And that's a major feat. A girl actually told me about it and I tried it. On the first 2 pills it was a major difference. I'm no way a rep or anything for these pills but I found them from word of mouth and thought I'd pass it on... I think I got immune to the effects though after the first few months of use. Seems like you might have to cycle it?? I actually stopped when it didn't make a difference anymore, but it was like a miracle the first week or 2 that I took it. Also, it's not the "Bee Pollen" in it that makes you not hungry.. ha. Forget the ingredient that's the hunger killer, but I think it had a negative side effect at some point and they hide the ingredient by saying it's "bee pollen"...
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My total caloric intake per day is 150....mostly i use those thing in which have too much protein...and your caloric per day?
like 3J mentioned, up your fiber, keeps you full longer. also, up your fat content (while dropping carbs or pro accordingly, cant advise without your macros) fat takes longer for the body to digest, so you feel full longer. I do keto when on a cut, never feel hungry even when i'm eating 1000 calories less than I was on a bulk. yes strong ectomorph genetics, but it might be useful to you as well
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