

Exotic is Erotic...
I am waking up in the middle of the night Extrremely Hungry and I am fighting the tempations to eat. Please help me as I do not know what to do...

I will start out by telling a little about myself for the individuals that do not already know me...

Sex: Female
Age: 31yrs old
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 197lbs
BF%: 33% (on the Handheld body fat analyzer)
Work: Desk job reseaching on Computer 8hrs a day
Activity level- Quite Active
Goals- reduce bf to 10-16%
Training for Marathon runs, Mud Runs, Triathlons

Weight training and Abs
Mon- Bi's and Tri's and Abs
Tues- Chest and Back and Abs
Wed- Legs and Abs
Thurs- Shoulders and Abs
Fri- Bi's and Tri's and Abs
Sat- Chest and Back and Abs
Sunday- Light Leg day and Abs

Cardio schedule
Mon- Stair Climber 45-60 minutes
Tues-Run 3 miles
Wed- Stair Climber 45-60 minutes
Thurs- Run 3 miles
Fri- Stair Climber 45-60 minutes
Sat- Run 3-16 miles
Sun- Swim laps 2 hours

Diet- I am currently carb cycling; eating every 2.5-3 hrs 6-7 times a day. Calorie intake ranges from 1400-2000 calories depending on the day.

Protein-200 grams

Carbs (run days are 200-300 grams)
No Carb days- no more than 20 grams
Low Carb days- 20 grams to 199 grams
High Carb days 200 grams to 300 grams

Fats- 44 grams

An example of my day
Morning 6:30am- 1 cup oatmeal 6 egg whites
Midmorning snack 9:30am 24 almonds
Lunch 12:30- Plain Tuna, Whole wheat bread, fuji apple
Mid afternoon snack 3:30-1-2 tbp Peanut Butter or More Tuna and whole wheat thins
Pre-workout 5:30- Whey Protein Shake (24g protein, 3g carbs, 2.5g fat)
Post-workout 7:30- Whey Protein Shake (24g protein, 3g carbs, 2.5g fat)
Dinner 8:30- 4 oz. Chicken/Salmon, 6 oz. broccoli, 1/2 brown rice
Snack-10:30pm-6 egg whites
Bed by 11:00 if I am lucky

DO I NEED TO EAT MORE THROUGHOUT THE DAY? I feel like I am not eating enough for the amount of training I am doing...
IMO taking a protein shake when you wake up hungry will keep your metabolism running and keep you from storing fat.

Everytime you feel hunger your body wants to "store"....and it most likely will.
IMO taking a protein shake when you wake up hungry will keep your metabolism running and keep you from storing fat.

Everytime you feel hunger your body wants to "store"....and it most likely will.

This is what I was thinking of doing, a co-worker and I were just discussing that as an option. Since I am a female will 24g of protein be a sufficent amount to consume in the middle of the night when I wake up famished...

I really just want a good nights sleep, it's driving me Bonkers LOL
Diet- I am currently carb cycling; eating every 2.5-3 hrs 6-7 times a day. Calorie intake ranges from 1400-2000 calories depending on the day.

Caloric intake is individual dependent, you have to figure that out over time. My GF is 175 eating like a bird and full all time. I don't eat big but for 225lbs I look allot bigger(so people say).
This is what I was thinking of doing, a co-worker and I were just discussing that as an option. Since I am a female will 24g of protein be a sufficent amount to consume in the middle of the night when I wake up famished...

I really just want a good nights sleep, it's driving me Bonkers LOL

Yes, a shake with some natty peanut butter to slow the digestion curve or use casein protein powder.
Diet- I am currently carb cycling; eating every 2.5-3 hrs 6-7 times a day. Calorie intake ranges from 1400-2000 calories depending on the day.

Caloric intake is individual dependent, you have to figure that out over time. My GF is 175 eating like a bird and full all time. I don't eat big but for 225lbs I look allot bigger(so people say).

During the day I am ok, I eat a balanced amount of (proteins, carbs, fats) at every meal, I plan my meals ahead of time. But recently since the amount of weight and exercises performed everyday are building more lean muscle on me I seem to be Hungry in the middle of the night. At first it was just my body needing Water, I drink 120 oz. a day. But ever since I started to increase the amount of miles I am running and my weights at the gym. Things are different.
I second the casein protein powder. I understand the science behind Casein to form a gel in your stomach, allowing for slow digestion - not to mention sending the message to your body not to be hungry.

Or cottage cheese could work alternatively. Replace your 10pm egg whites with one of the two.
I second the casein protein powder. I understand the science behind Casein to form a gel in your stomach, allowing for slow digestion - not to mention sending the message to your body not to be hungry.

Or cottage cheese could work alternatively. Replace your 10pm egg whites with one of the two.

I have never had Casein protein powder before. I will have to try that. Is there a paritcular brand you all recommend?
I like Optimum Nutrition protein powder as well. I also love the taste of Isopure, but it's more expensive (last I checked).