Hypocrites In Law Enforcement

Easto said:
What advice can you give us in order to stay safe????

Hey Easto, there was a sticky about this topic and being safe. Basically never let your guard down and most important use COMMON SENSE when conducting business.;)
doggy said:
Im with LL, sorry stonecold, but i dont buy that excerpt as an excuse... what other laws are they allowed to break? i see your point, but i think that cops should follow the same laws that the rest of us are penalized for breaking if we get caught... is murder ok for cops? of course im going to the extreme on that, but im just making a point... cops should not be hypocrites...

btw, this is an excellent debate topic...


You trying to tell me that cops don't speed when they're off duty? If you think that, You're nuts. Speeding is illegal, yet cops do it all the time. No badge is going to give another badge a simple sppeding ticket.