I am 36 years old and just started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) 6 months ago. My Dr. is not as specialist.


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I am 36 years old and just started TRT 6 months ago. My Dr. is not as specialist.

I am 36yrs old and diagnosed with low Testosterone. I'm not sure if it is because of my ignorant experimentation with pro-hormones and steroids in my early 20s, or just bad genetics.

In my early 20s I experimented with lots of strong Pro-Hormones (usually taking 2-3 times the recommended dosages), used different steroids, and I never did any type of post cycle therapy (pct). After that, for about the next 10 years I didn't use any type of pro-hormones or steroids. About 4 years ago I decided to do a 14 wk cycle of Test/EQ/Anavar. Then clean for over a year. Other than for about 3 week after stopping the steroids, I would experience some lack of sex drive and fatigue, but I would go back to normal within 3 weeks.

About 18 months ago I started going through some weird changes. Keep in mind, I hadn't used any steroids or any type of hormone enhancers for over a year. I started feeling depressed, always irritable, couldn't think strait, had trouble concentrating, my mind was always in a fog. Going to the gym had always been my favorite thing to do, but now I had to drag myself to go. I was always fatigued and having no energy. I was even yawning during my workouts and could barely get through them. When I started losing my sex drive and having issues with my tool, I really got worried and new something was wrong. My relation ship with my wife was starting to suffer.

I went to my Dr. and told him pretty much all that I just explained. For the next year he tested my blood every 3 months. My total Testosterone was floating around 230-290 and free Testosterone between 45-75. He said it was low but within normal rang. I could not accept that, and did some research on my own. I found that this was not normal for a guy in his mid 30s. I couldn't afford to go to a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) specialist because my insurance doesn't cover it, so after much discussion back and forth with my primary Dr., he finally decided to put me on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). I've been on Test-Cypionate, 200mg/wk for about 6 months now and never felt better. My total Testosterone is at around 575-635 and my free test is around 75-95; I draw my blood 6 days after my last injection. testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has been a life and relationship saver for me. I'm finally back to my old self, hitting the gym 6 days, and my wife can finally put up with me again. I feel better now than when I was in my 20s.

As I said, I'm getting my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) treatment from my primary Dr., and he's not a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) specialist. I don't get much feedback from him other than, "So how you feeling, Good, Ok then it must be working, blood work looks good, stay on the same dosage". I get my blood work every 3 months, but now he said I only have to do it every 6 months. I am pretty much self-treating and give myself my own sots. I want to make sure I am doing everything right, and taking all the necessary processions.

Will I have to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of my life?
Will my own normal Testosterone ever come back?
Do I ever need to cycle down or off Testosterone injections?
What types of medical concerns or side effects do I need to look out for, if I will be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of my life?
Are there any supplements or vitamins I should be also taking to prevent other health risks or side effects?

Sorry about all the questions, but my doctor is not much help, and I want to make sure I am doing this right.
My Dr. just fills my prescriptions and sends me on my way, so looks like I will be treating myself for the rest of my life. Any help or suggestion would be appreciated.
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Sounds like you are doing pretty good! We all self inject. That's the best way.

-Yes, testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is for life. It is not a cycle.
-You don't stop or do pct's. Just keep injecting for life.
- Get your estradiol checked. It is a form of estrogen. Do a search on this website for privatemdlabs and you will find a discussion on what test to get and how to only pay $50 for the panel. It is very important to check your estradiol. If it is high you need to take an aromatase inhibitor.
-Invest a lot of time reading on this website to educate yourself.
- Check you vitamin D.
-Your natural production will never come back while you are injecting yoursrelf with Test. It would come back to where you were before (200) if you stopped, but you might need a post cycle therapy (pct). You didn't tell us if you were diagnosed with primary or secondary hypogonadism though.
-If you want to still have kids, it can by tougher while you are on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But there are discussions on here around that.
Will I have to be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of my life? - yes, youre on it until such time you deide you'd rather feel like the old you again, so no time soon
Will my own normal Testosterone ever come back? - no, now that you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) your natural production will cease, to try and stimulate natural production you should be on HCG and not test
Do I ever need to cycle down or off Testosterone injections? - not aslong as your blood test are ok, watch all the lipid panels, be sure your blood does not get too thick (hematocrit and hemoglobin )
What types of medical concerns or side effects do I need to look out for, if I will be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for the rest of my life? - increased potential for stroke if you let the blood issues happens but yes its a for life deal
Are there any supplements or vitamins I should be also taking to prevent other health risks or side effects? - NO IROIN!! lots of D, and zinc and normal MEN only type vitamins not those generic for everyone things
Thanks for the response.
I dont't know if I am primary or secondary hypogonadism. What is that, and what is the difference?
I already have 4 kids, so NO I'm not planning on having any more kids; need keep my sanity.
My blood work so far has been covered by my insurance, only costs me $25 co-pay. Hopefully they keep paying.
Her are the numbers from my last blood work about 6 wks ago:
Testosterone 635
Free Testosterone 80.9
Estradrio 25.6
Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy 32.0
Cholesterol 197
Triglycerides 174 (a little high Dr. said bcs I didn't fast b4 the blood draw)
HDL 97
Chol/HDL Ratio 2.94
LDL 95
LDL/HDL Ratio 1.42

Numbers look good right?

Forgot to mention, Dr. also has me taking 25mg DHEA and 25mg Pregnenolone. He said this would help with the mental fog.
I am on a good men's multi-vitamin; i don't see any Iron on the label.
I'm taking about 55mg Zinc and 650 IU D3 daily.
I also read somewhere I should be concerned about prostate issues, so I am taking some precautions for that with 160mg Saw Palmetto and 1500ng Pumpkin Seed Oil daily.
Also to keep my blood from getting too thick, I am taking 1 baby Aspirin a day and plan on donating blood twice a year.
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if you eat 2-3 egg yolks a day, your iron will be nice and high. When you give blood they test your iron levels cause blood givers lose their iron through donation, every time I go it's high, it really turns the old lady Ruth on!
Yeah -- but his HDL is awesome! And LDL is pretty good. I wouldn't sweat the triglycerides if I had his HDL and LDL.

Is that natural or are you boosting with some niacin?

I found a Multi-Vitamin I really like, Orange Triad. Has 100mg of Niacin in it. What is Niacin help with exactly?
Do you think I messed up my natural Testosterone production by using steroids at such a young age or all those pro-hormones that are now banned, or is it just genetics. I just recently found out that my fathers also has low Testosterone, but he is in his 60s.
I found a Multi-Vitamin I really like, Orange Triad. Has 100mg of Niacin in it. What is Niacin help with exactly?

Niacin boosts your HDL but you have to take a lot more than 100mg. Like 1000-3000mg or something each day. Don't just start doing that though because it causes very painful flushing and your skin turns red until it wears off. You have to build up your tolerance slowly.

There have also been studies recently saying that despite increasing one's HDL it doesn't actually result in better heart health (i.e. fewer heart attacks, etc).
I've been poking around different testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) threads and came across something called "Blast and Cruise". I get the concept, cycle for a few weeks then back to your regular testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage. Still doing some research.

In the meantime, maybe someone can also give me some advice. I have a bottle of Tren-A (100mg) I've been saving for a while now and it's expiring this year 10/13. Can I work this into my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and what is the best way?
I've been poking around different testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) threads and came across something called "Blast and Cruise". I get the concept, cycle for a few weeks then back to your regular testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosage. Still doing some research.

In the meantime, maybe someone can also give me some advice. I have a bottle of Tren-A (100mg) I've been saving for a while now and it's expiring this year 10/13. Can I work this into my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), and what is the best way?

look on here for the side effect and be sure you can handle them.. you don't have asthma do you ?
I cant answer some of your questions as I am not on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). But I can tell you that primary doctors are fucken useless. Glad you are feeling better.
Seems like 200 mg a week should get you higher than that. Everyone is different but that still seems strange right?
Seems like 200 mg a week should get you higher than that. Everyone is different but that still seems strange right?

Keep in mind when I do my blood work, it is usually 8 days after my last pin. So, I'll pin 200mg on Sunday, then a week goes by, skip my next Sunday pin, and do my blood work on Monday over a week later. Not sure why, but this is how my Doc wants me to do it.
This dose seems to soot me good. I feel great. Got good energy, sleeping better, more mentally focused, sex drive is back, I don't seem to have any side affects, and my levels look good.
How many days after my last pin, is the best time to do my blood work? I pin 200mg Test-C every Sundays.
Keep in mind when I do my blood work, it is usually 8 days after my last pin. So, I'll pin 200mg on Sunday, then a week goes by, skip my next Sunday pin, and do my blood work on Monday over a week later. Not sure why, but this is how my Doc wants me to do it.
This dose seems to soot me good. I feel great. Got good energy, sleeping better, more mentally focused, sex drive is back, I don't seem to have any side affects, and my levels look good.
Total Testosterone 635
Free Testosterone 80.9
These numbers are 8 days after my last injection of 200mg, so I figure would prob be allot hire if i did my blood work say 4 days after. When I do my next blood-work I will probably do it around 4 days after my last injection, just to see the differences.
those numbers are good for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), heck your have dosed the day before so this is your low point, your a 1000 on wednesday
Ok that makes sense. You could split your dose and do 100 mg 2x a week to avoid the fluctuations. I'd just make sure you switch back to 1x a week before your 6 month blood check so your doc doesn't see really high levels and try and lower you