I answer Question


Hero Of the Day
Hey 2 post Simultaniosely I better be Good , Well I work In the SUpplement Business for 2 years Now and Im not so bad about wath supplement Is Good or Not but Still remember I live In Canada so SOme US companies I dont know about :P if you have any question On supplement just ask Ill do My best to answer
ok, I'll start things off with a couple

vitamin B-6 (whats it's best use in bodybuilding)?
glutamine (whats it's best use in bodybuilding)?
vitamin B6 is needed for more than 100 enzymes involved in protein metabolism. It is also essential for red blood cell metabolism. The nervous and immune systems need vitamin B6 to function efficiently. And SEcondo GLutamine IS a Great amino acid Its anti catabolic , supports Immune system function ( cause white blood cells feed on glutamine ) and It helps proteins synthesis and Growth Hormone Release Will you sleep I suggest 5 gram With Breakfast 10 gr Post Workout 10 gr at Night