I cant believe


New member
That I actually achieved my goal ..I wanted to gain at least 5-8 pounds of muscle..well when i started i weighed 104..now i weigh112 and sometimes 113 (I always weigh myself in the morning.
I thinks i can contribute it to
1.more protien intake
2.cut cardio down to 30 minutes perday(was 1hr)
3.increased weight training to 45 minutes to and hour and half.

Im never new I could gain weight and actually look good:p
cdog said:
where are the new pics?good job!

What pics?

Thanks everyone..its so hard to keep it on when i train everyday.
I need to get my stomach cut up..any suggestions.
I do 3 sets of 100 crunches,leg lifts 3 sets of 20,
and the bench that has the incline i do sit up on that at full incline
with a 15 pound weight ..i do 5 sets of 30.
I have muscle but i think i have to much water or something inbetween my skin and abs.
I keep asking my abs to come out ..but they are not listening:bawling: