I come in peace. Representing BC Canada.

I am an x-personal trainer who stopped bodybuilding a few years ago, shortly after getting married. Now happily married and a full time real estate agent in BC Canada, I've been sitting at a desk and I've kind of lost the physique I once had. I continuously weight trained and ran a reasonable cardio program but my diet turned to garbage and I completely stopped using all kind of supplements for baby making reasons. Not that you can't have conception I just wanted to be on the safe side if that makes any sense.
Have been browsing around online and found this site fairly informative. It's helping to motivate me to get back into shape. Since I've been visiting the site ive lost and incredible 20lbs. Did it all naturally and am starting to resemble my actual self and Not the desk jockey who has been eating and drinking whatever he wants. Hoping to meet some people with the same mindset. It's nice to see/ meet people who want to set goals to better themselves and work towards that goal even if it takes a long time and lots of self dicipline. Anyhow if anybody is from BC here feel free to holler at me or send me a pm. Pretty sure your not allowed to put other domain names up on these forums and self market a business but if you pm me I'd be glad to show you my real estate marketing Website so you can get to know me better and some other stuff about myself if your looking to meet knew people in BC or just looking for real estate advice. Cheers!
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