I will try again.
Being that the propionate ester is only 1 of several esters in that multi half life compound u have isolated the propionate ester how ?
As aas are legal where u live why not get a single ester test like E or C if your ongoing empirical analysis has led you to the definitive irrefutable conclusion that propionate is the root cause of both your illness and the ongoing abuse I sense about to rain down on you like a C 130 Specter covering a CASEVAC ?
Ive never known anyone to have an alergy to an ester.,it usually the an alergy to the oil or to the emulasafier used. If my body was having an un welcomed reaction to something I sure as hell wouldnt inject it unto my body. It doesnt matter how much I had or how cheap it was. My health is too important to me. If you dont have your heal then your whole life is labored and substandard to what it could be. That's no way to live. Now if you are just having pain and discomfort then that is just par for the course with some compounds.
What is you history with anabolics?
Can you explain why you belive it is the prop in the sust and how it is that you have come to the conclusion.
Understanding your process of elimination will save people aggrovation and annoince.
Yes man. Like flu. Fatigue, loss of libido, fever(sometimes). First cycle. Injection 250 mg/weekly. One shot. Is this dangerous? Also, my WBC is rising after every shot.
Ok so it is safe to say it is not the prop. Unless the gear is not steril you experenced a normal reaction to a foriegn substance into the body. The good news is Im pretty sure you are not going to die from this. Can you share your age and stats and what you planned. Sust is not very common for a first cycle. Why did you choose it. It is normally recomended to limit amfirst cycle to 1 form of Testosterone so you will know how your body reacts to it.
Why im going to die man? It is from pharmacy. Sterile. Organon. For next cycle, Im thinking i will inject every day small amounts for stable blood levels.
Just out of curiousity, are you using some sort of translator to translate this page to your native language, then type a reply in your native language, then having the translator translate it back to english?
Just out of curiousity, are you using some sort of translator to translate this page to your native language, then type a reply in your native language, then having the translator translate it back to english?
Yes man. Like flu. Fatigue, loss of libido, fever(sometimes). First cycle. Injection 250 mg/weekly. One shot. Is this dangerous? Also, my WBC is rising after every shot.
How are you able to know if your WBC count is rising after every shot?