I Got My Libido Back After 1 Year Post Tren! Success!


New member
Hey Bros!

I posted a thread last year regarding my complete loss of libido and pretty serious ED that stemmed from my Tren E cycle at the end of 2013.

I will link the thread in case you'd like to read it.

Long story short, 300mg/wk Tren E along with 150 Test E for 10 weeks gave me INSANE libido up until the last remaining weeks. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. I did not use HCG, was not consistently taking aromasin nor was I taking much prami.

Pct came along and an increase in severity of my symptoms came at the worst time. I had just started a new relationship and at first she was understanding.

Hoping that another cycle would help me, I used HCG aromasin and legit pharm Cabaser. Bloods after PCT were great. Undetectable prolactin, Test in high 800s and e2 within range.

Despite my bloods, my libido was still gone and so was my ability to achieve and maintain erections.

My last hope was a Test prop only cycle. I had NEVER been worse than in that period of pct. I knew my girlfriend was going to leave me, but apparently she didn't lol.

I had skimmed across a post or two by guys with prolonged tren/deca dick and their theories that the juice had essentially created a lack of dopamine production in their brain. This created a "flatline" emotional state along with libido and ED issues. Everything that I had been experiencing.

Now, I am NOT claiming that this is what actually happens, but after randomly watching a movie where the son has porn induced ED, a light bulb went off in my head. Upon research,I found that it is hypothesized that masturbating to porn or "edging" for hours on end, can desensitize the brain's dopaminergenic reward pathways.

These guys can get hard to porn, but not to real girls. Actually, a lot of these guys end up even losing their ability to get hard to porn Due to over stimulation and their brains become desensitized to dopamine. The reward areas of the brain actually atrophy in these people.

Does this happen to some of us on tren or juice in general? I don't know. But after a little research , I came across Choline CDP and Sulbutiamine. Both are a form of nootropic and both happen to increase dopamine receptor density in the brain. And they are known for increasing libido and some Russian study had found that Sulbutiamine was a GREAT help in cases of psychogenic ED.

Ever since I started taking them a little over a month ago, I have seen MAJOR improvements. I actually WANT sex now and I'm getting turned on and staying turned on, along with maintaining erection. This stuff has been a Godsend!

So here is what I recommend, after some trial and error

1. If in a relationship, have an understanding partner (not always so easy)

2. Don't constantly try to test yourself by seeing if you can get hard to porn. Didn't you just read that porn can desensitize you too???

3. Take 300 to 600 mg Sulbutiamine and 500 mg Choline CDP daily. It MUST be CDP. Also throw some Catuaba extract in there, I've been taking it at the same time and I'm doing great.

Will this work for you? Was it actually the brain supplements that got me out of this mess? I'm extremely literal and absolute, so I will not definitively say that's what it was, but I have never been better or even close to being at the point I'm at now before taking them.

I say to give it a shot guys, don't wait, don't LET yourself become defeated by low libido and ED.

It was a long, dark and horrible part of my life, but now I know there is an answer for me. I hope this can help at least a Few of you guys out there who are in the same boat.
Hahahah @ Yolk

Very interesting thread though. Glad you managed to make a recovery OP. Definitely an area that needs more research into.
Nope, choline cdp. Cdp breaks down into uridine, unlike bitartrate. Apparently that conversion is a critical component of the therapeutic process.
Hi guys

It's been a year since I discontinue the use of Trenbolone Enanthe due to the anxiety and nightmares that causes, but other than that I feel great when I was on it, INSANE libido and strength, three weeks after stop using it, is when everything started.

I stop getting morning woods, loss of libido, unable to achieve erections, 100% no interest in sex at all, deep depression anxiety , lack of energy, joint pain, suicidal thoughts and the worse cyst acne ever on my back, chest and face,

I couldn't focus and concentrate on anything causing to lost my job, i've been stuck in the worst stage of my life for a bit over a year now, I did this cycle without knowing what I was doing, what a stupid I shouldn't never touch that BS

My cycle 250mg/wk UGL Tren E along with 250mg/wk Test E for the first week, then from the second week on 500mg/Tren E with 250mg/wk Test, and also D-bol the first month for a total length cycle of 10 weeks, by the end of the cycle HCG 5000 IU's for two weeks getting ready for PCT, and for PCT, Nolvadex and Clomid 100/50/25/25 but it seems that I couldn't jump back, feeling like Sh.. ever since.

Crazy for help went to different doctors, two endocrinologist three urologist and no one seems to be able to help, until I finally went to another urologist that specialize in men's sexual health and treatment of erectile dysfunction, I'm giving it a try because I still have hope that I will get back to normal.

My doctor put me on TRT, Test cyp 300mg/wk divided in two shots Tuesdays and Thursdays along HCG once a month, with Bupropion and Adderall but at this point, I still have not seen any improvement in my libido and or sexual functions, i'm going to talk to him about Jpach experience with the medications he mention on his post

If any of you have experienced anything like this with Tren E and Test E cycle I would like to hear from you, I would like to know how you fix or correct the problem, and for how long were you on this situation until you came back

Thanks for reading my post
Broo pls help me am in ur issue but am trying to find choline cdp but not availble in my country i asked some people to get it from other vountry. So i have messed with steroids cycles without well recovery tren in evyry cycle. I have ben 8 months now off sincle last ont and still no libido no pleasre no anything am 22 years old and aslo my sex hormones results in the healthy range so any hope to get my linido back life became hell. Ps i stopped every thing porn and hash. Cause they may worse my oroblem but my root issue is messing with steroids so?
Hey Bros!

I posted a thread last year regarding my complete loss of libido and pretty serious ED that stemmed from my Tren E cycle at the end of 2013.

I will link the thread in case you'd like to read it.

Long story short, 300mg/wk Tren E along with 150 Test E for 10 weeks gave me INSANE libido up until the last remaining weeks. I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about. I did not use HCG, was not consistently taking aromasin nor was I taking much prami.

Pct came along and an increase in severity of my symptoms came at the worst time. I had just started a new relationship and at first she was understanding.

Hoping that another cycle would help me, I used HCG aromasin and legit pharm Cabaser. Bloods after PCT were great. Undetectable prolactin, Test in high 800s and e2 within range.

Despite my bloods, my libido was still gone and so was my ability to achieve and maintain erections.

My last hope was a Test prop only cycle. I had NEVER been worse than in that period of pct. I knew my girlfriend was going to leave me, but apparently she didn't lol.

I had skimmed across a post or two by guys with prolonged tren/deca dick and their theories that the juice had essentially created a lack of dopamine production in their brain. This created a "flatline" emotional state along with libido and ED issues. Everything that I had been experiencing.

Now, I am NOT claiming that this is what actually happens, but after randomly watching a movie where the son has porn induced ED, a light bulb went off in my head. Upon research,I found that it is hypothesized that masturbating to porn or "edging" for hours on end, can desensitize the brain's dopaminergenic reward pathways.

These guys can get hard to porn, but not to real girls. Actually, a lot of these guys end up even losing their ability to get hard to porn Due to over stimulation and their brains become desensitized to dopamine. The reward areas of the brain actually atrophy in these people.

Does this happen to some of us on tren or juice in general? I don't know. But after a little research , I came across Choline CDP and Sulbutiamine. Both are a form of nootropic and both happen to increase dopamine receptor density in the brain. And they are known for increasing libido and some Russian study had found that Sulbutiamine was a GREAT help in cases of psychogenic ED.

Ever since I started taking them a little over a month ago, I have seen MAJOR improvements. I actually WANT sex now and I'm getting turned on and staying turned on, along with maintaining erection. This stuff has been a Godsend!

So here is what I recommend, after some trial and error

1. If in a relationship, have an understanding partner (not always so easy)

2. Don't constantly try to test yourself by seeing if you can get hard to porn. Didn't you just read that porn can desensitize you too???

3. Take 300 to 600 mg Sulbutiamine and 500 mg Choline CDP daily. It MUST be CDP. Also throw some Catuaba extract in there, I've been taking it at the same time and I'm doing great.

Will this work for you? Was it actually the brain supplements that got me out of this mess? I'm extremely literal and absolute, so I will not definitively say that's what it was, but I have never been better or even close to being at the point I'm at now before taking them.

I say to give it a shot guys, don't wait, don't LET yourself become defeated by low libido and ED.

It was a long, dark and horrible part of my life, but now I know there is an answer for me. I hope this can help at least a Few of you guys out there who are in the same boat.
Broo pls help me am in ur issue but am trying to find choline cdp but not availble in my country i asked some people to get it from other vountry. So i have messed with steroids cycles without well recovery tren in evyry cycle. I have ben 8 months now off sincle last ont and still no libido no pleasre no anything am 22 years old and aslo my sex hormones results in the healthy range so any hope to get my linido back life became hell. Ps i stopped every thing porn and hash. Cause they may worse my oroblem but my root issue is messing with steroids so?
I find it interesting how a dopamine agonist (caber) had no impact, but choline did? Either bunkski caber, or not it imo. Not to pick on you OP, but who the fuck has the time to sit at the edge of climax for HOURS watching porn??

I'm a healthy red-blooded male as much as the next fella, and always can appreciate the hard work those young ladies put in - but hours..? With my dick in my hand, next to an electronic device..?

Mind = blown.

Even the wife doesn't get hours, unless you count the nap afterwards. :wiggle: